Kifaru 44mag- looks pretty cool

The number one reason I wanted this pack were the side pockets and lid providing a built-in ability to organize. I moved from a Mystery Ranch Metcalf to a Pintler for similar reasons, and this new 44mag is dead center between those in my opinion- you still have a plenty large main bag (that my 3 year old obviously fits in) but a lid that actually has an accessible pocket for the days food, gps, etc. I personally am not a big fan of a lid that I have to unbuckle to get to the main bag. Here I'm just a zip away on either side. Obviously I've only done basement testing thus far, but I am so excited about the ability to have dedicated pockets and storage for all of my gear. If you're the type that just likes to stuff everything in a bag and go, this may not mean much to you. I'm somewhat picky about where my stuff is and tend to plan out based on how likely/emergent I am to need it. My trips tend to be 5 days or less and I really don't think I'll even add belt pockets as accessories beyond the small you see in the pics.
Loving all the excitement on this pack.

There's going to be a whole boat load of them available after the season so I can pick one up on the cheap from all of you unloading them... I'll take Ranger Green by the way... :LOL:

(Unless of course Kifaru tempts me with a sale that would get me one before September)
How does it compress down for day hunts?

Great looking bag
There are several different ways/places to stuff your day stuff, but I will be running my kill kit and emergency shelter and msr stove in the bottom of the main bag, my puffy and first aid pull out in a side pocket, and food for the day in the easy access pocket of the lid. It then pretty much goes flat. The straps are attached from the frame to just inside the side pocket, so any large items in the side pocket will have an impact on how flat you can get it (because the strap has to go over said item).
Do you guys go in for 10-12 days normally? I’m confused about needing the huge bags.

Im lucky enough to be able to get out for 15 days straight for general archery elk so the 7000ci muskege starts to make sense. most people don't though but from the 4400 ci capacity of this bag you would be comfortable around the 4-5 day mark (depending on things like size of food, and gear. the size of gear will go up when you start those late season hunts)
I read above there might be a 5500c version of this for next year ? Any truth to that ? A tad larger version of this bag would pretty much be perfect for my needs.
Question(s)......Why the big velcro sticky patch on the lid? Can you put anything useful on there or just patches? If just patches, where's a good place to get them. Is there one with the Kifaru logo on it?
Still waiting on mine in RG.
Man, this thing is awesome. Picked up the claymore for a little extra space if ever needed. Think this will be perfect for what I want to do with it.

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Kifaru has a rhino patch. There's lots of other places to get patches, like MilSpec Monkey, who amongst many others has a nice rhino head patch.
there running a little behind, i ordered a 22mag and frame on 5/1 that had a set ship date of 5/30 and got tracking # today on 6/3, i think the 44 mag took off like gang busters
38 days and counting....44 mag (green) and duplex lite frame (coyote). Ship date was estimated to be 5/28. Figured 4 weeks as they stated, but hoping its not too much longer.