Kidney stone

Had 3 and pretty sure I have a 4th now … fuggin sucks.
First one … felt the intense urge to shit (have GI problems) .. well that happened and then in the process felt like someone literally stabbed me and I started pissing straight blood

30 min later I was in the ER puking and sweating uncontrollably…
A week later they had to roto rooter my plumbing to get it out..

Next one I had was at work during the height of Covid … had changed diet etc after first one because I didn’t want that again.
It was about 4 am… had like 4 or 5 criticals at the time. Mofo hit me from nowhere and knocked me in the floor literally… I was getting ready to have one of them take me to the hospital but
One of my techs ran across the street and got me a Gatorade … I chugged 2 L really quick and wound up passing the bastard right then

Them fuggers are pure evil
In the two weeks between removal of the last kidney stones and a doctors visit, I grew a 5 mm stone. Things are finally under control.

The interesting part is that I never had a problem until after I turned 55 and nothing had changed in that time. It was a hell of a ride after that.
Not on me. Every one was a surgical removal. I have gotten quite good at pulling the strings out.
You are tougher than me. They gave me the option of self stent removal (with the string) or in office removal. No way I was pulling that out at home haha.
You are tougher than me. They gave me the option of self stent removal (with the string) or in office removal. No way I was pulling that out at home haha.
My wife pulled hers out in the shower once and I couldn't believe it when she told me.

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The first one I had was in the airport in Johannesburg South Africa flying home from my first plains game hunt. 16 hours- no meds. When we got to Atlanta my son had to lead me through customs and indicated to the officer I was drunk. I barely remember anything from that one. Just delirious. Second and third bad ones I made it to the hospital. Still brutal, unbearable pain. After the third bad one which was this summer the urologist said I had one that I would not be able to pas, so rather than walking around with a time bomb I elected surgery. That sucked too. Then everyone said removing the catheter would be no big deal. Yeah right ! Felt like jerking a lock chain through your cod!
The first one I had was in the airport in Johannesburg South Africa flying home from my first plains game hunt. 16 hours- no meds. When we got to Atlanta my son had to lead me through customs and indicated to the officer I was drunk. I barely remember anything from that one. Just delirious. Second and third bad ones I made it to the hospital. Still brutal, unbearable pain. After the third bad one which was this summer the urologist said I had one that I would not be able to pas, so rather than walking around with a time bomb I elected surgery. That sucked too. Then everyone said removing the catheter would be no big deal. Yeah right ! Felt like jerking a lock chain through your cod!

Never really had any issue with having catheters removed after surgery. Came out pretty easy. The longer they stay in the longer it takes to get pee pee back to normal. Hard to hold it back one it wants out.
The first one I had was in the airport in Johannesburg South Africa flying home from my first plains game hunt. 16 hours- no meds. When we got to Atlanta my son had to lead me through customs and indicated to the officer I was drunk. I barely remember anything from that one. Just delirious. Second and third bad ones I made it to the hospital. Still brutal, unbearable pain. After the third bad one which was this summer the urologist said I had one that I would not be able to pas, so rather than walking around with a time bomb I elected surgery. That sucked too. Then everyone said removing the catheter would be no big deal. Yeah right ! Felt like jerking a lock chain through your cod!
You're full of all kinds of good news!!

I had the surgery 3 weeks ago, catheter comes out tomorrow morning.
There is more involved in anticipation than problems. Just pull the string steady and it will take a while. I don't remember any pain and all of them were the same. You might get a drip but not a puddle.
Don’t pay any attention to me. You’ll be fine.
The good news is it didn’t last very long.
Also , everyone is different….
Yeah, having the catheter removed pretty much sucked.

Nurse put some kind of numbing crap in 1st, it didn't do much. o_O Less than 30 seconds later, the doc came in ready to do his thing. I had a few questions for him, so I asked them then, mostly thinking that was a good time to ask them to give the numbing crap more time to work. Really felt like I had to piss before he even started, he said I was empty so pumped some saline in to make it easier to grab the stent, burned the whole time.

After he pulled it out, my wife was amazed at the length, probably 18" stretched out. It was curled on each end. I was surprised by how thin it was, maybe 1/16" OD. Still feel like I have to pee constantly. :(
You're full of all kinds of good news!!

I had the surgery 3 weeks ago, catheter comes out tomorrow morning.
Bet you had a lot of fun putting mycitracin or other antibiotic on the tube for 3 weeks. A nurse at Mayo showed me how. I can't imagine leaving the hospital with one of those things in.
Back in may I woke up in bed with my back hurting like I needed to roll over, then got hot so I got up and figured the bathroom at the other end of the house would be the place to cool off. Made it to the living room and felt real bad. Mumbled to my wife “hey, I don’t feel very good” next thing I know I’m on the floor and she’s smacking me in the face yelling my name and the dogs licking my face.
Her version: I heard you get up and mumble something then heard a big crash and ran out to find you butt ass nekid passed out and gagging.
I forgot to mention there was a storm that night so all the power was off. So she’s trying to revive her nekid husband and keep 2 Rottweilers back with a flashlight in her teeth. I pass out 2 more times and after I wake up the third time I hear her repeating our address about 20 times to the 911 operator, which didnt give much faith I was gonna get much help any time soon. She hangs up and only a few minutes later I see flashing lights in the yard. Three sheriffs come to the door and I wave them in. After everybody takes a guess at what I’m dying from I make the suggestion to drive toward the ambulance since they’re 45min away if they can even find us. We all agree and as we got to the end of the driveway the ambulance was there with the cart out. Except I sat in the back answering questions for what felt like 3-5 business days before they ever put it in gear to speed away at 39mph to the hospital 45min away. Doc says you got a 6mm stone and here’s some morphine, good luck.
He suggests a urologist appointment after I tell him I’m supposed to go on a solo black bear hunt in AK next week. A few days later the Urologist says I think we should do surgery tomorrow and I’ll put a tube in your root to drain and you can just pull it out while you’re huntin. I said, “I can…???” He says, you’re goin bear huntin, you can handle it.
Surgery goes good but I feel like I need to pee before we leave. I damn near pass out again. For the rest of the day I have to get totally nekid on all fours and piss/dribble in to a stainless bowl underneath me about every 20min. It hurt so bad I could even stay set on the toilet let alone stand up to pee. She calls the doc and he says no that’s just spasms from the irritation of the tube. “Spasms” is not the right word for what that felt like. Fast forward 3-4 better days and It’s time to take the tube out. My wife has been beyond excited the whole thinking she’s going to get to take this tube out. Ain’t no fn way. So I get up early and waddle out to let the chickens out and give this string a test tug. Ohhh no, damn that burns. I gotta set down. So I sneak in the house and get laid back in the recliner so if I go out it won’t be a loud fall to the floor cuz I know she’ll jerk it out before she revives me. So I get about an inch of string out, no tube yet, it burns and I want to puke and start to pee so I gotta relocate. Sneak in to the tub and start sloooowly pulling on this thing that feels like it’s tied to my lungs. It’s coming and I’m telling myself not to be such a pussy and finally it falls out. Took a pee that felt sooo much better. Then 20min later I’m back on the floor over the bowl with the “spasms” for the next 4hrs. All this ran in to my bear dates, but was able to reschedule my boat rental and it all worked out except I didn’t even see a legal bear. But it sure beat having kidney stones!

I ended up calling my dad who I hadn’t had much of a relationship with over the last 30yrs, until recently, and asked him if he ever had any. He said oh hell yeah, 4 times, that shit will make you strip all your clothes off at the White House!
The bulk of the pain is from the stone moving from your kidney through the ureter and into the bladder. I could feel it move. Passing through your toto and out is usually not noticeable; at least it wasn't for me.
Climbed into my deer stand one morning (5am ish) back in 2012 for the late archery blacktail opener. Started getting an ache in my back and by 8am I figured I better climb down and head for the truck. By the time I got to the truck I was in tears from the pain. Managed to get home on my own, but when the GF (now wife) got home from work she told me I NEEDED to go to the ER.

Well wouldn’t you know, imaging revealed a 10mm stone lodged in my ureter. Pumped me full of fentanyl and dilaudid and sent me home with a scheduled lithotripsy.

Felt like I was kicked by a mule after the lithotripsy, but it was mild compared to the pain from that stone dropping into the ureter. Passing it was a breeze after they busted it up.