Kidney stone

1:10 Do not Recommend.

I noticed a little back ache yesterday around 5:30am I figured it was trapped wind. By 7:15 I was in the ER & getting IV painkillers (they say that laughter is the best medicine. It's not. Dialaudid is the best medicine!) CT scan confirmed a 4mm stone above my left kidney.

Came home with enough Hydrocodone to fell a zoo full of elephants. I usually refuse any kind of opioid, but this time out....gimme.

First time in my life (including the gunshot wounds) I've ever vomited purely from pain.

Guys. Eat healthy, cut down on the bourbon & salt & drink yer water. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
Crazy how much them little thing can cause so much discomfort. I had one then they discovered I had cancer in my kidney.. Double whammy!
Been dealing with stones for 25 years.

This year I got diagnosed with thyroid cancer. The thyroid and Para thyroid both control calcium within the body. My stones are now gone and the Dr suspects an underlying thyroid issue was the root cause after all. I was asymptomatic for any thyroid issues btw.

Never drank a lot and I drink a lot of water. Had lots of veggies and good homemade healthy food my entire life.

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My fields of f@@ks I have to give is barren but my fields of kidney stones is very fertile. I’ve had them removed a few times and my body rejects the stent and that’s the absolute worst pain ever.

Doc: “260, how bad is the pain from the stent?”
Me: “Pull the stent and put the stone back in there!”
Doc: “Well you’re staying overnight until it’s under control”.
Me: “I don’t care if the nurse is hot just hit me with whatever you can for the pain”.
Doc: “We already have. We’ll keep rotating meds until you feel less pain”.
Me: “Fk me man this sucks.”

Stones suck but I handle them so well I get asked if I’m seeking pills. It’s been 3yrs since I last had them and they think I need pills? LOL! Piss in a cup and it’s red, guess you got stones. LOL! “How do handle them so well?” Me: “Guess mama didn’t raise a pussy”. Nurse::eek::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:. They love me when I come in, no joke.
@robtattoo Did you pass it yet?

I literally just got back from the urologist about an hour ago. Nope, the little bastard is still Shawshanking its way from my kidney to my bladder.
I've had a cluster of other complications though. 6 days of constipation as a result of the painkillers basically left me non- functional for 23 hours a day until this morning. That resolved itself quite emphatically at 10:15 this morning (my butt actually made a noise like "puh POW!") & the rush of immediate relief literally brought me to tears.
I haven't eaten anything more substantial than a Jello cup since 8pm last Tuesday & at this mornings weigh in, I've dropped 18lb since then.

All of this stems from drinking far too much, for far too long, getting a scare & just stopping dead. My urologist gave me a particular stem, yet caring talking to, showed me his chip & explained that I'm basically a freaking idiot. My body went into 'dependency' mode & decided to hang on to all the toxins I've been faithfully supplying it for the last 4 or 5 years, creating the perfect environment for a stone to form, grow & release in super record time. Throw in an opioid pain killer (which I've always fought against & persistently refused) & I had a kind of gastrointestinal cascade effect. Nothing could go anywhere & all the toxins I'd accumulated just sat in place working their nasty magic.

Soooo......yeah. Life's been kind of a painful, vomit fueled shitshow for the past week.

Bright side though, I should pass it any time now & once it's gone, I'm told, my system is clean & clear.
Bladder pils that are OTC work well for the irritation once it hits the bladder. Turns your urine Orange but helps the discomfort immensely. I hope they gave you Flowmax. Fiber pills are needed while on the pain killers.

I have a BIL that’s killing himself with alcohol. He checked himself out of rehab today because, well, he’s weak and a liar. Wish you the best with the alcohol. I’m a casual drinker these days. Once a year I go out. Not worth it anymore and I have enough physical and neurological stuff going on I don’t need to kill anymore brain cells LOL.
Bladder pils that are OTC work well for the irritation once it hits the bladder. Turns your urine Orange but helps the discomfort immensely. I hope they gave you Flowmax. Fiber pills are needed while on the pain killers.

I have a BIL that’s killing himself with alcohol. He checked himself out of rehab today because, well, he’s weak and a liar. Wish you the best with the alcohol. I’m a casual drinker these days. Once a year I go out. Not worth it anymore and I have enough physical and neurological stuff going on I don’t need to kill anymore brain cells LOL.

Sorry to hear about your brother in law. That sucks. As far as I'm concerned, I just don't drink anymore. I don't enjoy anything enough to allow it to kill me!
Dang Rob, that’s quite the unusual method to achieve a cleanse.
I hope it all clears soon and you are fully on the mend. Sounds like you could use an easy time for a while.
I have done a few “home remedies”. When you are in that kind of pain, you will try anything, feels like a knife stuck into you shaped like a star with multiple sharp edges cutting deeper with each breath. I think I am going to go drink a gallon of water with a couple of lemons tonight, wish I never opened this one…
I literally just got back from the urologist about an hour ago. Nope, the little bastard is still Shawshanking its way from my kidney to my bladder.
I've had a cluster of other complications though. 6 days of constipation as a result of the painkillers basically left me non- functional for 23 hours a day until this morning. That resolved itself quite emphatically at 10:15 this morning (my butt actually made a noise like "puh POW!") & the rush of immediate relief literally brought me to tears.
I haven't eaten anything more substantial than a Jello cup since 8pm last Tuesday & at this mornings weigh in, I've dropped 18lb since then.

All of this stems from drinking far too much, for far too long, getting a scare & just stopping dead. My urologist gave me a particular stem, yet caring talking to, showed me his chip & explained that I'm basically a freaking idiot. My body went into 'dependency' mode & decided to hang on to all the toxins I've been faithfully supplying it for the last 4 or 5 years, creating the perfect environment for a stone to form, grow & release in super record time. Throw in an opioid pain killer (which I've always fought against & persistently refused) & I had a kind of gastrointestinal cascade effect. Nothing could go anywhere & all the toxins I'd accumulated just sat in place working their nasty magic.

Soooo......yeah. Life's been kind of a painful, vomit fueled shitshow for the past week.

Bright side though, I should pass it any time now & once it's gone, I'm told, my system is clean & clear.

Interesting. My stone was around the same time I gave up drinking. Hmmm.

Wish you the best on both fronts, friend.
For record im laughing at your good humor and not your ur misery. Yeah, ive had buddies who drank a lot of soda quit cold turkey for life after a kidney stone… luckily these dont run in my family and I hydrate pretty well.
I literally just got back from the urologist about an hour ago. Nope, the little bastard is still Shawshanking its way from my kidney to my bladder.
I've had a cluster of other complications though. 6 days of constipation as a result of the painkillers basically left me non- functional for 23 hours a day until this morning. That resolved itself quite emphatically at 10:15 this morning (my butt actually made a noise like "puh POW!") & the rush of immediate relief literally brought me to tears.
I haven't eaten anything more substantial than a Jello cup since 8pm last Tuesday & at this mornings weigh in, I've dropped 18lb since then.

All of this stems from drinking far too much, for far too long, getting a scare & just stopping dead. My urologist gave me a particular stem, yet caring talking to, showed me his chip & explained that I'm basically a freaking idiot. My body went into 'dependency' mode & decided to hang on to all the toxins I've been faithfully supplying it for the last 4 or 5 years, creating the perfect environment for a stone to form, grow & release in super record time. Throw in an opioid pain killer (which I've always fought against & persistently refused) & I had a kind of gastrointestinal cascade effect. Nothing could go anywhere & all the toxins I'd accumulated just sat in place working their nasty magic.

Soooo......yeah. Life's been kind of a painful, vomit fueled shitshow for the past week.

Bright side though, I should pass it any time now & once it's gone, I'm told, my system is clean & clear.
"Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?" LOL
I have been in the same boat as most of you with the kidney stone. Went to the ER in the worst pain I had ever had, where I was given pain meds and a scan that showed the kidney stone. The pain went away, but two days later, I was back in the ER with the same thing, so I was taken to a hospital 80 miles away where there was a Urologist.

The Urologist inserted a stent into the tube from the kidney to the bladder that I had to keep for two weeks, hopefully passing the stone. At the end of the two weeks, I had to have the stent removed. This part was the part I didn't like.

I was escorted into a room in the Dr's office by a young very attractive blond nurse who gave me one of those hospital pajama things. She told me to strip and put the pajama thing on, and she would be back soon. After doing as instructed, she returned as promised, and said that she was going to numb me up for the procedure. My mind started to race, wondering just how she planed on numbing me up? I didn't have to wait too long as she pulled out a tube from a drawer that resembled a small tooth past tube only it had a long thin nozzle on the end, kind of like a superglue dispenser.

So this young very attractive blond tells me to relax and turn away, and the next thing I know, this attractive nurse grabs ahold of my Johnson and brutally stabs the tooth past/super glue tube into my pee hole, dispensing the so called numbing solution. I swore someone had mixed chili power in that stuff. When she was done with this part of the procedure, she told me she would give me a minute to let the numbing stuff work and would be back with the Dr.

After a period of time, the attractive nurse returns with the Dr. I notice the Dr. has one of those long flexible things with a button on one end and four retracting claws on the other, you know the tool used to grab nuts and bolts when you drop them when you are working on you cat motor, that's what he had. Also one of those fiber optic cameras on a long cord.

The Dr., in a pleasant voice, said, "I am going to insert these into you and pull out the stent."

Fear hit me hard as I listen to the Dr's statement. I announced that perhaps I should go use the bathroom quickly before the procedure, but the Dr. saw through my attempt to delay the procedure, and perhaps try to escape the hoarer that I was facing. The Dr. said, "no need to worry, this will just take a few minutes." With that, the nurse grabbed my Johnson, a task that had become more difficult, due to the fact that my Johnson had heard what the Dr's plan was and attempted to retreat back up into my body.

I couldn't watch, I could feel the nurse struggle to hold my retreating Johnson, and pressure from the Dr. inserting automotive tools into my pee hole.

The Dr. is telling the nurse, "look at the monitor, I am in the bladder" As the Dr. twists the tools around he stops moving and says to the nurse, "Look, I found it! Can you see the stent there on the screen?" The nurse stats that she can see it, but doesn't sound as excited as the Dr. The the Dr. asks me if I wanted to look. I kind of lost it. I said, "I don't care to see it, I just want you to get it out along with your tools!"

At that, the Dr. grabs the stent with his bolt picker upper and starts to pull. At first he went slow, but as he gets going the speed of his retreat picks up. Next thing I know, the tools have exited my pee hole and a white tube is quickly following. At the point when the 11' tube exits my violated pee hole, a stream of pee follows under great pressure.

The nurse in a valent effort tried to divert the unexpected flow, but due to my retreated Johnson, she had very little success, unable to kink my Johnson like you do with a garden hose. Pee was flowing all over her and the Dr. By the time the Dr. found a towel to throw over my Johnson to help stop the shower, the damage had been done.

I apologized for what had happened, and reminded both the Dr. and nurse that I had requested to use the bathroom prior to the hell I had just experienced.

To all you Roksliders that are thinking about getting kidney stones, I think you needed to know that the pain from the stone is far worse than you can dream of, and the procedure to fix the issue can be very hamulating. So drink more water than you think you need, and try and watch you diet.
Last one I had and I don’t mind say this but I was in the floorboard of my truck yelling and crying while the wife drove me to the ER
That thing was 7mm and full of spikes
Had to wear a catheter for 10 days after having it removed
All of this stems from drinking far too much, for far too long, getting a scare & just stopping dead. My urologist gave me a particular stem, yet caring talking to, showed me his chip & explained that I'm basically a freaking idiot. My body went into 'dependency' mode & decided to hang on to all the toxins I've been faithfully supplying it for the last 4 or 5 years, creating the perfect environment for a stone to form, grow & release in super record time. Throw in an opioid pain killer (which I've always fought against & persistently refused) & I had a kind of gastrointestinal cascade effect. Nothing could go anywhere & all the toxins I'd accumulated just sat in place working their nasty magic.

Asking for a friend, what should you have done instead of stopping dead?