Keeping Powder Dry


Classified Approved
Jan 28, 2020
I drew an Utah LE Muzzleloader tag and I was wondering how you guys keep powder dry over extended periods of time. I have no idea what the weather will be like but if you keep your gun loaded (not primed), do you run the risk of your powder getting wet? Shooting BH 209 out of an in-line MZ for reference.
I hunt in CO where it is dry most of the time. I will still bring my muzzleloader into the tent at night to keep any moisture from getting down the muzzle.

I sometimes will leave a spent primer in the muzzleloader to further prevent moisture from getting to the powder.

If it's been a rainy day or the powder has been in the gun for a few days, I'll shoot it at the end of shooting light to get fresh powder and bullet the following morning.

I have had more moisture/ignition problems since having to move to full bore bullets instead of sabots, so a sabot that fully engages the rifling is another way to prevent moisture.
Tape the muzzle with electrical tape and keep a spent 209 primer in it when you don’t have a live primer in place. Unless you fall in a lake or stand out in the pouring rain for hours, I wouldn’t worry about it. (This is the way I’ve been doing it for 30+ years. Never a fail to fire.)
Thank y’all for the feedback. I’m shooting the Remington UML ignition system so are you saying just keep a used one in the chamber and that should seal up the breech plug?