Kahtoola Microspikes/Hillsound Trail Crampons


Jan 12, 2018
SE Alabama
Anybody used either?

I went on an adventure after my first elk hunt this past October looking for a new pair of boots only because I was slipping a LOT due to (what I now recognize) as a very un-aggressive tread on my Irish Setter Ravine's. Going up steeper hills even if I didn't slip and fall I would lose some distance each stride from sliding back. I noticed this quickly the first day when it seemed I was struggling much more than my partners.

I would up forking out a lot of $ for some Scarpa Grand Dru's, and they do have a gnarly tread. But here's the thing - my Irish Setters otherwise were perfect. This evil flat land Eastener didn't get a single blister, hot spot, wet foot, or any foot pain at all in my first week in the mountains. AND the Scarpas are dreadfully heavy, 5 lbs 2 oz for the pair (on my scale, haven't weighed the Irish Setters but will tonight). So, I'm hesitant to forego them.

Today I was listening to an old episode of the Exo podcast and heard the guys swear by Kahtoola crampons. Pretty cheap at $70, and they sure seem like they'd make my Irish Setters perform in the really steep and slippery stuff. Thoughts?
I have the Hills hound and likr them quite a bit. I've used them here in Alberta in the Rockies and they haven't let me down.

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I have the hillsounds and decided I needed to look into them after my salomons and Cabelas ultralights were slipping all over when in the rain or snow. I have boots now that work a little better in the snow but still pack the hillsounds on days I know will be slick and shed hunting in the spring for the times when snowshoes aren’t necessary but it’s really slick or ice. No complaints as far as use mine add about a pound but the weight is well worth carrying when you need them. Have not used kathoola but looked into those and the ones stone glacier sells. Kathoola used to be the gold standard then the company split and quality went down as the material that goes around your foot got thinner.
Good to know, will probably go with the Hill Sounds for some testing. Anyone offer size recs? I see my boot size 11 may be at the upper limit of the L size, I obviously don't won't them too loose but I don't want to have to use a crow bar to put them on either.
Unigear on amazon is what I use. Just like the hillsound with the strap over the top but only $30. Quality product with a warranty
I've used the HillSound Trail Crampons Ultra the last 3+ years for use on glare ice when ice fishing. They are well-made and give you full confidence in your footing. I also got a pair for my wife who is a bit prone to slipping (balance issues) and they give her the assurance of sound footing. I HAVE NOT used them for general purpose hiking during winter conditions as here in Minnesota that is not necessary. They shine when used on glare ice or intermittent ice/snow situations. Note: I use a Medium for size 10 Sorel-type winter boots. Hope this helps...
Got a pair of XL Hillsound Trail Crampons yesterday - talk about confidence inspiring! They fit my Muck knee rubber boots and my scarpas for mountain hunting perfectly. I think they'll find a home in my pack permanently because of how much energy they'll save when going uphill.