and @sndmn11
I wasn't trying to justify or insinuate anything - just asking. Hard to convey that in a post at times.
Some folks believe that it is a person's responsibility to retreat - as mentioned, in some states it is required. Other states, it is not required to retreat or use similar force, etc.
For the record - this situation was a stupid. Then knuckle head stands there spouting off to camera. Stupid. I'll let the courts decide. Did I say stupid? Stupid!
I didn't think you were arguing, I think you were clarifying, and refining. I'm also familiar with other posts of yours I have read, and I believe you know your way around a defensive firearm. You had a reasonable question.
Totally stupid situation.
I believe had shooter stayed in the house and shot OR when he went outside had told lady to come in as a psuedo rescue-protect situation, his actions would have been a lot more defensible.