Yea this kind of went hay wire.
I can see how Huntsman got mixed ideas about what I said based on how I said it, I take credit for that. But I cant take credit for his poor attitude or direction he choose to take it or his choice to mock Jesus and Christianity, and put me down and go out of his way to voice his opinion as he does.
I saw a post on the classifieds that had an item listed for about $40 more than if you bought it new. I almost posted to let the seller know. But decided, "I don't have to have to post on every thread out there I disagree with or have a problem with".
This forum is to help hunters with gear and tell stories and share info.
I don't see how Huntsmans comments do any of that.
This was never meant to be a High Walled debate, technology advancements debate, Mossberg type hunt debates or ethical shot placement type post.
It was about being blessed to live in a small Utah town that loves to hunt so much, that almost anyone is willing to help anyone. I never said the whole town comes out and spots or drives a drainage- you Huntsman assumed that on your own. Helping means a whole lot more than spotting or locating, it was simply my part of this helping.
The "whole town" is about 3000 people, and no they don't all come out, it was a figure of speech, pointing to how the small community made up of mostly hunters, celebrates and helps when and as they can.
On the morning I went out to help him spot, it was myself, him & his wife and grandson in his truck, and one other guy. That is 3 people out there glassing. The year before it was the same scenario, maybe 4 buddys but different people who knew the tag holder.
The year before that, the same thing, but different people. Sometimes someone seels a bull in an area and has a friend who has a tag and the info is given or passed on. Pretty sure even you would do that Huntsman??
There isn't 3000 people driving a drainage or over looking every hill.
To assume that is just not logical.
But if he is able to get one down, he will call one guy, who will bring out horses. Maybe another to help track if needed. Then another guy will offer up a cooler to store it in. Often relatives come out to the area and celebrate as a family. This is kind of what I meant.
I didn't really think it was logical to think or assume that actually an entire town came out, and that it would need explaining.
As far as me scoring my archery tag- you bet I did. Cause it is a once in a life time hunt for me. I will never draw that again most likely due to my age. So I approached this different than other hunt. But don't assume I score every animal I tag.
Deer hunting OTC I never score them, but If I should be fortunate to see and shoot a monster, you bet I will score it. I hunt to fill meat in the freezer, so I usually don't make it a point to locate and kill a 200" deer. But if I saw one next to a forky, I'm dropping the 200", measuring it, and filling my freezer. Heck, I might even get it mounted.
And on my LE Archery hunt, I did it all alone. Like you Huntsman. I am always wanting to do it alone. I didn't call for help, whether it was scouting, hunting, or packing.
Many offered info on bulls if needed, I just didn't need it and its not my style of hunting.
But I am not against someone needing help or using others or even doing drives. I grew up white tail hunting and drives were the norm for many people there.
I have my style of hunting, they have theirs you have yours.
I am not opposed to their style as long as it is legal.
We are a community of hunters that enjoys this particular tag and seeing it filled, especially when it is a local. NR have drawn it, and don't have access to locals phone numbers so no they don't get as much help, but they do come in and ask and word gets around, and folks are willing to help them as well. I would help.
He did not get the big bull down yet.
The day I helped, as I was heading out, my truck broke and I haven't been able to go back in. They did say they saw a bull but it was a small bull.
My truck will be fixed tomorrow and I will be back to help if they need it.