Just when i thought I was done...

Would you guys be so gung-ho standing up for 'all the help' if every other tagholder that drew the area showed up with his 'whole town' to celebrate and participate in his success of finally drawing that coveted and waited for tag, too? Or would it just be OK if you're considered a 'local'? I bet the 'locals' would be PO'ed if eveyone else showed up with their whole town, instead of the way it is.... Heck, if I ever draw it, the only thing I'm bringing to 'help', is the HS Marching Band. I'll sit at the top of the drainage and sent the Band in the bottom. Ol' Big'un is sure to run past me as he quits the country. If I miss, we'll just move over to next drainage and give it another go.....

Truthfully I would help them all as long as their not a DB. If they shooot a record book animal I could careless doesn't matter to me. But only a DB would parade around town what they killed but also if local you'll know who the DB's are, NR's not so much but most DB's can't contain themselves local or not.

I've gotten access to private just being myself where others tried to buy it, how one conducts themselves goes a long way and truthfully I probably wouldn't help you, but let me guess, you would never ask for help? So I expect to never see you add any content to this forum in either asking questions or helping others as it's the same thing.
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Next time a fella gets an animal down and calls for help packing, I'll be sure to tell him "Do it yourself or hire a packer" because huntsman set me straight. *rolls eyes*

On a limited entry tag there's way less competition and much higher success rates anyway. I'd much rather help the guy asking for help than let it go to the guy buying his way into a governors tag and paying 50 scouts to tell him when to fly in and pull the trigger. At least the local fella is also putting in the work himself too. Local or not, if I draw a 20 year tag I'm bring 5 or 6 buddies to help me get the most out of it too.

Live2hunt custom shelters
I guess while he could've gone about this better, I kind of see his point. When I read the whole town thing and the line about getting the info to the hunter, my first thought was "spider bull. It's just the wording kind of made me not a fan of the hunt. Something made me assume this was a big radio eachother real time info hunt. Maybe I'm wrong to assume that. It's different if it's 5 buddies showing up and they meet up to exchange info. If it's 30 people and people are radioing in info to eachother, where are the fair chase ethics of that? It's not illegal so to each their own. But.....

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It's pretty obvious you care about score and how people get it, think you may need to look at what's important overall.

It's pretty obvious you don't know the first frigging thing about me. Care about score? Nobody cares less.... I have NEVER measured a single critter I've ever killed. Now on the other hand, the OP can't help mentioning what his archery bull and others in the Beaver would possibly score. Thanks for playing, guess again.
Next time a fella gets an animal down and calls for help packing, I'll be sure to tell him "Do it yourself or hire a packer" because huntsman set me straight. *rolls eyes*

On a limited entry tag there's way less competition and much higher success rates anyway. I'd much rather help the guy asking for help than let it go to the guy buying his way into a governors tag and paying 50 scouts to tell him when to fly in and pull the trigger. At least the local fella is also putting in the work himself too. Local or not, if I draw a 20 year tag I'm bring 5 or 6 buddies to help me get the most out of it too.

Live2hunt custom shelters

Same with WH. He knows nothing about me, but ain't afraid to open his mouth about it. Hate to let the cat outta the bag, but I've likely packed more elk out for folks I didn't know, than he's ever even killed. But hey, he's bringing '5 or 6' guys to help, so he won't even have to ask....
Alright this thread derailed. Make sure to post a picture of the guy's bull if he gets one Flood!
Yea this kind of went hay wire.
I can see how Huntsman got mixed ideas about what I said based on how I said it, I take credit for that. But I cant take credit for his poor attitude or direction he choose to take it or his choice to mock Jesus and Christianity, and put me down and go out of his way to voice his opinion as he does.

I saw a post on the classifieds that had an item listed for about $40 more than if you bought it new. I almost posted to let the seller know. But decided, "I don't have to have to post on every thread out there I disagree with or have a problem with".
This forum is to help hunters with gear and tell stories and share info.
I don't see how Huntsmans comments do any of that.

This was never meant to be a High Walled debate, technology advancements debate, Mossberg type hunt debates or ethical shot placement type post.
It was about being blessed to live in a small Utah town that loves to hunt so much, that almost anyone is willing to help anyone. I never said the whole town comes out and spots or drives a drainage- you Huntsman assumed that on your own. Helping means a whole lot more than spotting or locating, it was simply my part of this helping.

The "whole town" is about 3000 people, and no they don't all come out, it was a figure of speech, pointing to how the small community made up of mostly hunters, celebrates and helps when and as they can.

On the morning I went out to help him spot, it was myself, him & his wife and grandson in his truck, and one other guy. That is 3 people out there glassing. The year before it was the same scenario, maybe 4 buddys but different people who knew the tag holder.
The year before that, the same thing, but different people. Sometimes someone seels a bull in an area and has a friend who has a tag and the info is given or passed on. Pretty sure even you would do that Huntsman??
There isn't 3000 people driving a drainage or over looking every hill.
To assume that is just not logical.
But if he is able to get one down, he will call one guy, who will bring out horses. Maybe another to help track if needed. Then another guy will offer up a cooler to store it in. Often relatives come out to the area and celebrate as a family. This is kind of what I meant.

I didn't really think it was logical to think or assume that actually an entire town came out, and that it would need explaining.

As far as me scoring my archery tag- you bet I did. Cause it is a once in a life time hunt for me. I will never draw that again most likely due to my age. So I approached this different than other hunt. But don't assume I score every animal I tag.
Deer hunting OTC I never score them, but If I should be fortunate to see and shoot a monster, you bet I will score it. I hunt to fill meat in the freezer, so I usually don't make it a point to locate and kill a 200" deer. But if I saw one next to a forky, I'm dropping the 200", measuring it, and filling my freezer. Heck, I might even get it mounted.

And on my LE Archery hunt, I did it all alone. Like you Huntsman. I am always wanting to do it alone. I didn't call for help, whether it was scouting, hunting, or packing.
Many offered info on bulls if needed, I just didn't need it and its not my style of hunting.

But I am not against someone needing help or using others or even doing drives. I grew up white tail hunting and drives were the norm for many people there.
I have my style of hunting, they have theirs you have yours.
I am not opposed to their style as long as it is legal.
We are a community of hunters that enjoys this particular tag and seeing it filled, especially when it is a local. NR have drawn it, and don't have access to locals phone numbers so no they don't get as much help, but they do come in and ask and word gets around, and folks are willing to help them as well. I would help.

He did not get the big bull down yet.
The day I helped, as I was heading out, my truck broke and I haven't been able to go back in. They did say they saw a bull but it was a small bull.
My truck will be fixed tomorrow and I will be back to help if they need it.
Mflood glad your truck repair is completed. Sounds like you'd be a great asset on this unit hopefully it all works out for you guys.

My comments were just generalized. Utah seems to be getting worse about every tag holder having a posse of "spotters" in every drainage. I'm sure everyone can agree at some point this practice has impacts to the other tag holders.

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You being from Utah knows how the hunters are in this state.
There are a limited amount of tags, therefore its not that bad- cause it is a huge area holding some good bulls every year.

Its not like hunting the Strip, where 20 outfitters all have a camera on the same water hole.
But it is a coveted tag area for sure.

I would hate to see this older guy, who has put in for over 2 decades for this tag, not fill it.
That is pretty much the mindset here.

I don't even know how many tags are out for this late season rifle tag.

I think during my hunt, there were 7 tags (someone said 8) on the Beaver.

I was scouting in my area, hiked in a long way, located fresh signs, good water, bedding and feed routes, and set a camera. Then as I was heading to the next area, I noticed a helicopter flying over the same area I was in. Yep- outfitters. As I went 5 miles over to a place I knew I had to myself, again I heard something over head- drone. Yep, someone scouting again.
At first I was upset thinking get out and walk, scout ethically. But the I thought, it is what it is, and they have a right to do that. Some guys would freak out that I was setting cameras.

We all have our way to do it, and need to respect each others style, cause inevitably something you do, someone else will not like.
Maybe its a LR rifle vs a standard rifle. Maybe its a compound vs a Trad bow. Maybe its radios or cell phones, group drives, spotters on every hill, drones, helicopters, hired guides, high fences, bows that shoot past 100 yards, spotting scopes that reach way out there or even wireless trail cameras.
The point is, when we react and get divided within our own community, it never helps. It's not that one cant react and disagree, but to allow that disagreement to cause one to become hateful, disrespectful and purposely causing strife, helps nothing to the hunting community as a whole.

There will always be those on here who only want to post their emotional responses that are focused on them only, and could care less how it is seen or comes across.

I/ve had it happen twice on my threads. I was like wow- where did that come from and why did that happen...

Its their right.
I'll leave a bible verse here that kind of summarizes my opinion on responding to posts and expressing your opinions:

"While somethings might be permissible, not all things are profitable"

The point is, when we react and get divided within our own community, it never helps. It's not that one cant react and disagree, but to allow that disagreement to cause one to become hateful, disrespectful and purposely causing strife, helps nothing to the hunting community as a whole.

These words are so true in all walks of life. These days people tend to not do this, especially in politics.

Glad for the clarification. Sounds like you're doing it right. Like I said, something about the wording of the original post made me think this was a "spider bull" type situation. You owned it and clarified. Glad to hear that's not the case. Good luck out there.
what is a Spider Bull? Assuming its a hunt, with excessive amounts of help, radios, massive effort to get the largest mature bull in the area?
edit... ah I just googled it. Looks like a hunt that would draw tons of attention and criticism alike.
I think he’s referring to the way they got the Spider bull. And pretty sure you’re helping my uncle get his elk haha. I hope he gets a big one 👍
Ricco- I do too.
Is his first Name start with a "C" "
I was suppose to get his number out there, but cause of my truck breaking down, things got kind of crazy quick.
He seems like a great guy and I am glad to help him.
Yes you’re helping unclericco’s uncle lol! His name does start with a “C” and yeah he’s really a great guy and I’ve put a lot of miles on hunting with him over the years when he was younger. Glad to see he’s getting some good help!
So I was able to make it out a couple more times with the tag holder. A big bull was located 2 days in a row, and some shots were fired, but it was windy, very windy and a ways off. Not enough wind drift calculated, but the bull didn't spook from the area.

We went back there last night to relocate him, but weather came in and the snow ruined any visibility in the last couple hours of light.

I did see some phone skope video of this guy and he is easily a 390 bull.
I told the hunter, I'd be in my tent up at the elev he roams so when he did come out, I could access him quicker.
But I am 15 yrs younger and we hunt different.

today and tomorrow are his last days.
There was a trail system that allowed horses in and he is set to get in there in order to get above him, and glass down on him.
Sometimes hunting smarter is better than harder

The snow stuck so ground visibility will be better to see his movement.
I am hoping to get a call later today, "Big Bull Down"

The terrain is a topo nightmare for sure, so most shots are longer than average unless you move in and set up spike camp.
He has 4 other bulls running with him, 1 which is a shooter as well. He was passed up once- let's hope that was the right decision.

Many in town are cheering him on as he has invested in this for over 20 yrs.
(notice I am using the right wording now )

His wife is out there everyday with him, even yesterday in the cold blowing snow- that is awesome.

I saw a high school kid, take off school to come out and help glass, and then he said, "I gotta get back by 1 cause I have a quiz today"

On a different day a young man said, "I already told my boss I would come in late, that I was on a bull, so I cant call in sick now"

When I went to see how he did, the phone kept ringing with friends and strangers alike asking, "did he get it yet"
This is what I really meant by so many helping.
They aren't all out there at once as a sea of hunters but many have a part in this for the tag holder.
Many just do what they can when they can.

I asked the tag holder... do you know all these people
His reply, "no, they just want to see me fill my tag"

I will head out in a little bit hopefully to help haul out an elk
Pleads lord..... never let me get to the point that when I draw a tag, I have to call the whole town out to 'spot' one for me. especially when I'm retired and have the time to do MY OWN hunting. Please take me out, before that happens....thank you, jeezus
With that attitude you wouldn't have that many friends wanting to help anyways.

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The tag holder was able to get a 6 down on the last morning of the last day. He had 1 chance at the big bull and it escaped into the benches some where. But he took a nice elk which he had also been watching and new if the main one got away, this would be a great bull with no regrets. It also was a 600+ yard shot, but in less winds he was able to drop it.
I wasn't able to be there for the last couple days, but he continued to have help. A few more folks showed up to help haul it out. When I get pics from him I will post it up. He believes it to be around 350 bull.
He is happy and sad. His 22 years of waiting that took so long, is now over, with only memories of 9 days of hiking glassing and enjoying the opportunity to meet new friends willing to help him succeed and fulfill what 2 decades of dreaming felt like.
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