1 1/2 year old whitetail buck had a hole through the heart that was too small for my pinky finger to fit through, Shot at 85 yards quartering away. Bullet exited, but the wound channel resembled a field point. 300 win mag, barnes 165 tsx. Zero blood, traveled 60 yards
Button buck, headshot from behind at 15 yards, bullet exited at about the inside edge of the left eye socket. Insufficient damage to the actual brain, so the deer ran for about 50 yards with the left eye dangling by the ocular nerve. Unable to really see, the deer ran into some sticks and somersaulted, breaking both front legs. Head was still up, deer was very alert and alive. Shot 2 from 10 yards into the neck, minimal damage, deer remained alert. Shot 3 entered through the ear hole and finally killed the poor thing. 300 win mag, 165 Barnes tsx.
Thus ended my 2 deer mono experience, I had seen enough.