Just Draw already New Mexico!!!

Yea Nevada is in. Swinging for the fences there . If I am so lucky to draw too many tags this year it will be a first.
I have resigned myself to the fact that April 25th is when they will draw. I had already accepted that fact until I read on Gohunt that they anticipated April 12th. I'm not checking the website anymore.

Well, anymore after now. I logged in a few minutes ago just to make sure I hadn't missed anything!
The list of my applications just changed order, a few times in the past minutes... Deer was ~3 from the top, then it went to the top of the list, now it 4th from the top. maybe their working on stuff. Please be working on stuff.
The list of my applications just changed order, a few times in the past minutes... Deer was ~3 from the top, then it went to the top of the list, now it 4th from the top. maybe their working on stuff. Please be working on stuff.



NV has my money as of this morning
Word on the Internet street from friends of G&F workers is that it will not happen today. I hope I'm wrong and that we don't have to wait until Monday or later...
This surprises me because "Studies have statistically shown that there's less chance of an incident if you do it at the end of the week."
I still hoping it will happen today. If it doesn’t happen until the end of next week, I’m going to be wasting even more time checking NM G&F website every chance I get.
Yeah, for some reason this "delay" is depressing me, even though it is all our fault for getting our hopes up. I'm going for a hike in the National Forest.