New Mexico Bear and Cougar under attack!

A study in a specific colorado unit showed 50% deer fawn mortality from coyotes, 50% from bear. I would like to see studies on adult deer mortality too, especially where there's a lot more predators. Last weekend in New Mexico a local guy up at a remote and hard to get to trailhead said the deer he watched all summer were gone. Well I went in and found a pile of deer hair/cougar shit that looked like someone's pet tiger got loose. It was 2-3 times the size of bear sign in the area. By then it was just past sunset so I figured I should probably get going on the 1500 foot climb back up to the truck, and saw a BIG (for NM lion) tan flash of fur. Seen bigger in Oregon (that place is on the edge with this stuff too -- and now Grizzlies showing up). Did I sneak up on him or did he smell the dead grouse on my bag? I don't know, I don't care. Someone's got to keep em in check. How would those Santa Fe cat lovers feel if I told them I could see their town from that mountain? That their dog or kids hiking could be next? They aren't even the ones up there off the trail so it's probably irrelevant but still.

From a selfish/bowhunter perspective, do I want dog hunters busting out every deer in the unit and letting their dogs run through areas where they're prohibited after I walked 2 miles in the dark to get there first? No, it's quite annoying but the dogs don't know better. Would I like the chance to hunt more bear and cougar that haven't been busted out by dogs either? Sure. But is it the most effective way to depredate? Almost definitely yes. And would I jump in with a dog hunt given the chance? Hell yeah brother. And do dog hunters have access to public land like the rest of us? Some places, yes. So, lets pick good times and places of the units and seasons to do it when deer won't get too stressed or bumped, and let's keep the odds of us sneaking up on lions higher than the odds of them wanting to sneak up on us. Let's think worst case--do I want that deer to get eaten by predators, or just get bumped and grow bigger next year? Or do I want no deer but an awesome predator hunt unit? States have to decide how to manage different units. The public voice is one, but lots of money comes from outfitters and those who live off the land. Get the big landowners on our side and there's the difference. Make sure to word your emails convincingly.

Also, no matter what happens, we can sleep soundly at night knowing there will still be those good ol boys who "walk their dogs," carry a big stick, keep watch over the mountains, and make sure that there aren't too many big cats running around anyways.
Roxy's Law was the reason we banned traps. My dogs are my children, so please respect my traditions and cultures, and I'll try to understand and respect yours

Roxy, a senior dog, was hiking with her guardians when she was trapped near a trail at Santa Cruz Lake in Northern New Mexico. Her guardian tried to free her, but Roxy was strangled to death before he could loosen the snare.
Part of the problem is people equating animals to people. Your dogs aren't your children. They are dogs. You can love them and treat them well, but they are dogs.