Jumpy 2013 PSE stinger


Sep 25, 2022
I have a 2013 PSE stinger and when I come to a full draw the string almost wants to jump forward. All I could get out of the shop that set it up for me was that it was a PSE problem, but when I shot a buddy's stinger I could hold it for a while without it lunging forward. Could it just be an issue with the draw length?
Could be draw weight and length. I had a pse stinger to start and the draw length wasn’t long enough for me
Could be draw weight and length. I had a pse stinger to start and the draw length wasn’t long enough for me
I've never checked the weight, but I know my friends bow is set at 65lbs and is for sure more more than mine
From my experience pse has a “jumpy” back wall. If you’re having issues I’d get measured to make sure you have the proper draw length and then play adjust weight. I switched to their flagship model the nxt about two years ago and it was night and day difference but still loved my first stinger
I had/have that model year stinger. It’s now my backup bow. The “jumpy” back wall happened to me until it was tuned and the draw length set. My circumstance may be extreme but my cams were set to two different lengths which threw made it bad. Simple error from the shop I bought it. Brought it back and had it readjusted and everything felt better. It certainly wasn’t ever a hard back wall like on my new bow but it did get better with tuning. Good Luck!

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Check that your draw stop position matches the module position. If doesn’t match and it’s in an advanced position(shorter) then it’ll affect the valley and lower the let off making it super jumpy.