Was about to post a new thread until this caught my eye.
A few days ago I finished building a 90lb+ “Frankenstein” bow. Now before people ask or throw in their two cents, I’ll explain why I built it.
A year ago I posted a pdf of an heavy arrow build here on RS. It was like a 50 page pdf on how I build my arrows which all came in +/- .8 grains from any 2 arrows out of the dozen. They weighed in at 730 grains (I can attach it again if anyone is interested).
I thought my Mathews z7 had it in her to fling them. I was even able to find a pair of 75lb limbs (from Australia) that Mathews did a very short production run with. I was pulling around 76lbs and only on average shooting around 230fps.
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I knew I needed more speed because my arrows were falling off the table after 40-50 yards. Also I’m a pretty big guy. I can handle a 90lb bow and so can my body(for now lol). Less pin gap=less variance of probable yardage error as distance increases. Know your limits my friends!
anyways here is my Monster Triax. Before and after. Still thinking about starting a new thread with the build and performance?
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