I have the Coronavirus. I’m 50 years old. I'm not looking for sympathy and I won’t bore you with too much of the details. (EDIT - more details added below per request.) This also isn't meant to start a political discussion. Just intended as my story so far.
I contracted it in SC while out of town, but I don't know how. My symptoms have been “mild” as the cases are defined, but they still sucked and I had a few nights when I debated going to the hospital (the concern being over tightness in my chest behind my breastbone). My first symptoms started June 25th and on July 9th I learned that I have pneumonia. (That sounds worse than it is, but it is something more than nothing.) I’m confident I will be fully recovered (I already have received a positive antibody test), although who knows if that will equate to immunity? My son and I are currently quarantined in our basement, which isn't perfect, but we hope we can maintain enough separation so that my wife doesn't get it. (She's wavered back and forth on wanting to get it and "get it over with", but I'm too paranoid that she will have a different experience.)
One of the hardest parts about having it was the worry about who else I may have exposed before I showed symptoms. Not a good feeling. So far I think everyone else is OK.
My $0.02 PSA - if you don’t already have a relationship with a physician, try to establish one. Then do not hesitate to push for a proactive approach to your treatment if you get sick. (My medical provider - communicating with me remotely - advised Tylenol and Advil. I eventually got some meds that I think helped a lot, and wish I had pushed for same sooner.)
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