I've Developed A Flinch, Now What?


Feb 3, 2016
I developed a flinch shooting a bunch of heavy 45-70 loads out of a Marlin lever action. A guy at the range had a 600 nitro. I shot it once and then went back to shooting the 45-70 and it felt like it hardly recoiled and my flinch went away. If I shot the 600 nitro a second time I am sure I would have flinched.

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Lol that's one way to do it

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Mar 21, 2013
Here's my two cents for what it's worth. I have a 300wsm that I used to shoot very well. I had a range day that was excessive and I developed the dreaded flinch/shot anticipation. I tried to work through it, shot smaller calibers, dry fired and everything else to no avail. Everytime I went back to the wsm my mind knew what I was shooting and I would get maybe one shot without issue. Move forward a few years and a few missed animals and alot of frustration I bought a 6.5 CM. Low recoil, all day shooting, no flinching, killing critters and having fun!!! After years of shooting my CM I can now at least tolerate my wsm but more than 10 rounds and it's no fun! If you dont "NEED" a larger caliber save yourself time and frustration and just pick up a lighter caliber whatever that is that will still do the job on critters you hunt! Good luck!!
Dec 5, 2019
I'd buy an air rifle and do lots of practice and dry fire practice with your tikka. You will have to be careful. it may come back. I shot tens of thousands of rounds through a pellet gun to get rid of my flinch and now I do pretty well. I still have to be careful after a day at the range if I over do it, but usually 10-20 dry fire reps will get me back on track. Remember what the perfect shot (aka no flinch) feels like and practice that.
Jul 15, 2019
Get an air rifle that is pretty accurate I use a Ruger Targis .22. I can pop cans with out to a 100 yards if the wind is calm. But it will really help your shot cycle. I bring it with me to the range from time to time if I feel I am anticipating the trigger break.