It ain’t just ammo

Shipping has been delayed a lot
Everytime we've been to the beach since last year.... now there's always a traffic-jam line of shipping freighters waiting for their turn to go into the Port of Los Angeles in 'Pedro. Couple weeks ago there was 22 boats lined up.
Yep they paid the politicians to use covid to shut down all there small business competition.

^^^ I've been thinking this myself. Makes sense if you think about it with a Pimp mindset. Wonder if we might need to bust some Anti-Trust steps in the coming year(s) to offset these shenanigans.
Used market is insane. I got lucky and found a good road bike but not the year to look for upgrades - or for parts for an older bike.
^^^ I've been thinking this myself. Makes sense if you think about it with a Pimp mindset. Wonder if we might need to bust some Anti-Trust steps in the coming year(s) to offset these shenanigans.
me too...

at first i thought is was disgust with trump, then i felt like the marxists had finally found the formula, but now im thinking an oligarchy. follow the money they say - look who's benefiting and who isn't.

when covid can't be milked, i predict a new crisis to shut down selective sectors. maybe in the the next year the climate will get so suddenly worse...
and im really impressed with some companies directly entering in policy, like electron law...

that's sarcasm.

i personally know two airlines ill never fly, cut up a credit card ive had since 1985, screw all pro sports and americas soda is no longer.

i should never post after watching the news. lmao
follow the money they say - look who's benefiting and who isn't.

Exactly, and I'm thinking that's way all the Big Money Players who were used to being in the politicos back pockets all got together and said hey, we gotta get this Trump dude TF outta there, like now! Nothing more than a hunch on my part that comes from noticing that multi-pronged high-caliber attack on multiple fronts that ensued ever since he came on the scene. Most specifically Big-Tech and News-Media collaborating together. Because the Internet has been the single biggest tools that's now prevented the Big Money Players from continuing to call the shots and pull the strings from behind closed doors. Well... I mean.. they still do it... only now.... we'd begun using BigTech such as YouTube to call em out on it. So then that starts pissin' off the politicos and I'll betcha they started threatening with regs that would clamp down on a free Internet, which Big-Tech knows would totally cramp their style and all the cash their rakin' in. So they yeild and start playin' ball and bada bing... people speakin the truth start gettin demonetized or straight out yanked left and right. It's so bad that many of them have taken to using replacement words even while speaking on camera just to make sure the back-end scanning engine services on YouTube don't detect any red flag type of words or phrases in the audio track of the video either.

there was a leftist from your state who commented on Twitter how disappointed he was with AOCs recent international conference. He was arrested for threatening her by local police. Wrongly.

the depth of this is staggering, corporations collaborate with politicians to direct police to punish citizens, into submission. In this case they revealed confidential information to elected officials.

so who knew Saul Alinsky radical rules could be twisted for Commerce for the oligarchy.
Cars are the latest thing that seems to be taking a hit. Factories idled by computer chip shortages are reducing supply And driving up prices. New cars are going for sticker price or above as lot inventories are getting thin. Used car wholesale prices up 25% in the last Year also. Interestingly computer components for retail builds are also up. I built my kid a gaming PC for Xmas and now the parts are 30-40% up in four months, if you can find them.

BTW for those still ringing that tired old “you should have stocked up“ bell, get over yourselves. Great that you are sitting on giants piles of ammo and stacks of beef jerky. Great for you. body in their right mind was thinking I should buy an extra car in case the market gets tight next year. Nobody was caching fishing gear and kids bicycles in anticipation of a global supply chain disruption. Go rotate your dry goods and post on a prepped forum if all you have to say is “I told you so”.
There's a quick mart I've been using for a couple years as I leave town for weekend hunting and camping and the price of a sub recently went up over a couple bucks and a pizza doubled in price.

These little things add up over time.
From a high school classmate regarding supply issues for his company.


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From a high school classmate regarding supply issues for his company.


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There is a pretty easy way to get employees. Raise the salary. I’m in no way endorsing being on the dole, but the way you get and maintain good workers is by paying for them. Yes, your prices will go up, but you’re going to be losing business anyway from long lead times.
There is a pretty easy way to get employees. Raise the salary. I’m in no way endorsing being on the dole, but the way you get and maintain good workers is by paying for them. Yes, your prices will go up, but you’re going to be losing business anyway from long lead times.
Problem you run into is the dirt bags dont care if they get paid more they are used to getting by so the govt checks are good enough. The good people are already working. There are countless 30 dollar and hour construction jobs that are unfilled . They are not willing to work 60 hours a week and make a good living when its easier to have all your shit for free from the govt.
I've got a good buddy in the lumber industry and the word is that they can't keep the mills staffed because people are content with the stimulus payments + Unemployment. Add that to the trucking costs increasing and you have what you have with lumber prices through the roof.
Problem you run into is the dirt bags dont care if they get paid more they are used to getting by so the govt checks are good enough. The good people are already working. There are countless 30 dollar and hour construction jobs that are unfilled . They are not willing to work 60 hours a week and make a good living when its easier to have all your shit for free from the govt.

Buckle up folks. This is what the voting majority of our country wants. As soon as constituents figure out they can vote-it benefits to themselves democracy fails. History doesn't lie.
Buckle up folks. This is what the voting majority of our country wants. As soon as constituents figure out they can vote-it benefits to themselves democracy fails. History doesn't lie.
I am so tired of people saying "this is what so & so voted for," and blaming it on one party or another. Good workers have been hard to find for decades. Gov't handouts and slipping work ethics have been a problem in this society for a very long time. Long before the most recent election. In all honesty, several of the Trump supporters I know don't hold jobs, & have been taking gov't handouts for years.
You gripe about inflation, blame it on the dems, but fail to blame the companies who won't pick up the slack & start producing the items we're lacking from China that make production flow smoothly. Why did they not pick up slack? Because they can't make them cheap enough here to make enough money. They'd have to pay workers more than sweatshop wages, and, as noted above, workers are hard to come by.
I'm very much for made in America, but until more companies decide to bite the bullet, & society decides it's ok to pay for the price increases created by making it in America, we're going to be stuck buying a lot of Chinese products & cursing international supply chains.
I agree they’re on both sides of the aisle. I purposely did not mention a party or candidate for this reason. This has been a growing problem since FDR “saved the country” during the depression. Folks in dire need need a hand-up not a hand-out.
I also agree that both parties are at fault. The fact that 30% of the dollars in existence were created in the last 18 months is insane. Of course the consequences are going to suck. Rising commodity prices across the board are the direct result of unethical monetary policy and the federal reserve
I also agree that both parties are at fault. The fact that 30% of the dollars in existence were created in the last 18 months is insane. Of course the consequences are going to suck. Rising commodity prices across the board are the direct result of unethical monetary policy and the federal reserve

You might be interested in The Price of Tomorrow by Jeff Booth. There’s tons of books out there on the bullshit the Fed pulls, but he has a great argument on the deflationary pressures of technology competing with the Fed’s attempts at inflation

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