Is your next generation adding or losing hunters?

Is the next generation of your family most likely going to add or lose hunters?

  • Losing hunters

    Votes: 57 47.5%
  • Gaining hunters

    Votes: 63 52.5%

  • Total voters
I've got to vote 'Losing'

But only 'cos I don't have kids.
I like to think I'm making up for the lack thereof, though, by killing their share now.

'Robtattoo: Killing Tomorrow's Trophies, Today.'
I can't speak for my son, yet, but there's a pretty good chance he will fish/hunt.

My family added a bunch to the pool.

My father = not a hunter, but loves fishing.
My brother = enjoys it, will go if invited (+1)
Myself = love it, my only 2 hobbies are fishing/hunting (+1)

My maternal uncle = big hunter
My cousin = loves it like I do (+1)
My nephew = 4 years old, went out with dad for upland bird to spectate, loved it (+1)

My fraternal uncle = not a hunter
My cousin = big hunter (+1)
Other cousin = not a hunter

That's 5 to the pool right there, 4 of which came from non-hunting paternal influences.
I bought each of my kids a lifetime hunting license. That won't guarantee they'll hunt, but they have one fewer barrier in place if they do decide to.

I voted "gaining."
Losing, numbers don’t lie. Most eastern states are selling less licenses, why do you think they started all these youth programs.

All my friends I grew up with don’t hunt anymore. So their kids don’t hunt. I don’t have kids. Two brothers, one hunts and one gave it up. None of their kids hunt.

Just no access and it cost a bunch.
My 13-year old and 15-year old have each shot more deer and elk than the previous 2 generations (uncles, etc) combined so definitely trending up!
Two grown daughters, both liked to go with their Dad hunting when younger. Both had no real desire to actually hunt themselves.

I do have a grandson I’m trying to convince of giving it a go. He likes hiking/backpacking, so thinking of bringing him on a backpack hunt and see what he thinks.
I voted adding but I don’t really know. I hunted as a kid with my dad but stopped for several years when I was a teen and early adult hood. The main reason I stopped is because we use to rifle hunt growing up and everything went draw and was difficult to get. I still bought a spike elk tag and went to elk camp a lot of years and killed a few but could never get excited about killing spikes. I started only archery hunting about 15yra ago and I’ve been making up for lost time.

My kids use to love to hunt with me, when they were younger they were always with me in the woods. We would car camp a lot and hunt squirrels, rabbits and grouse while hunting for elk with my bow. They both took their first deer at 8 and have both killed as many deer as me. My oldest 17 has killed a 4 point buck the last two years with his bow, he’s killed a 6 point bull with his rifle and an antelope. My youngest 14 has killed 5 bucks and an antelope, one 160” buck and a 185” buck. This year my youngest got into high school sports and ran on the state cross country team. The season goes from mid summer until Nov. he didn’t hunt a single day this year and we ate a couple draw tags, one that he got lucky and drew that takes 8+ points to draw.

My oldest will graduate high school this year and with my youngest in sports I feel like their hunting days are done for a while. Hopefully when their lives settle down they want to start hunting again.

My sister they grew up hunting moved to the city with her husband and turned into a liberal. Supported antifa, voted for Biden and won’t let her kids even go to the woods with us if there will be a gun in the car.
My wife grew up fairly urban and I’ve got her into hunting, mostly for meat. She got her first cow moose last year and will be joining on a flyout for her first bull in 2024. My oldest of two boys is only 5, but he can’t wait to get out. Plan on getting him on his first moose in 2025. I’m guessing his younger brother will be right behind.

My youngest brother is 10 yrs younger than me. He never hunted after I left home when he was 8. He’s now been with me on a few hunts (sheep and moose). He shot his first moose in 2023 and we’re trying to get him on caribou 2024.

All that to say, I grew up on a small ranch and our family owned a butcher shop. We grew up in a practical world and hunting was never practical for my dad. People would spend 3x more money than just buying beef and would bring him some blood shot, lean, and hair covered smelly deer meat to make into sausage. Plus he just never had time, he/we worked constantly growing up. My uncle was my mentor in high school. I’m extremely thankful for him. So for those guys saying you have no kids, there are always nephews or kids of single moms out there that would love to go! So my uncle took me and created +1 in addition to his kids; and I’ve added my wife, brother and two boys.
Less hunters in the east/midwest, more dedicated out west hunters has been my observation.

Much easier to get hooked on your first spot and stalk hunt than freezing in a hang on deer stand sitting still. Multigenerational deer camps have been declining among folks I know.
Two children. Ages 44 and 42. Unmarried and no interest in getting married.
Not gay I suppose. Neither one has shown any interest or propensity for that.
It isn't that they don't hunt, they just have no real interest even though the both like guns. Youngest loves to fish, but that's about it.
I have nephews who hunt, but that's about it.
My oldest son has been out there with me every season for the last few years. Took hunter safety last summer. My niece has been out with my brother in law the last couple seasons. We are more or less maintaining I guess. Maybe if my wife hops back into the mix when our toddler is a bit older we will be adding numbers again. Will always be a great time in the woods no matter how many of us hunters are left.