Is Utah hitting cards yet?

So frustrating. They keep stealing NR tags out of the unit I’ve targeted and scouted for years. May have to switch things up with my 23 elk points next year.
So frustrating. They keep stealing NR tags out of the unit I’ve targeted and scouted for years. May have to switch things up with my 23 elk points next year.
If you start a TV show or YouTube channel and go to the Expo you can probably draw that tag

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I got my general deer and the boy got a nice LE rifle elk hunt in central Utah on his first attempt. Should be a blast during the rut. I hope it doesn't ruin him for hunting in the future.
So frustrating. They keep stealing NR tags out of the unit I’ve targeted and scouted for years. May have to switch things up with my 23 elk points next year.
DNR flies over the Beaver and says, "Hmmm where are all the cow elk, all we see are bulls". To which we warned them was happening years ago, but they kept issue 9000 cow tags for years. Kill the mommies, kill the herds. You should come to the Beaver, bull tags were increased here because the ratio of bull/cow is so off. Sounds like Utah will now slaughter the bulls trying to even out the numbers so the elk population can be perfect at 0. That would make the ranchers happy.
Agree on the junk email- saw everyone else saying they received it. So found it in the junk folder. also can search as: Donotreply- UDWR 2022 Big game draw results .....