Is this sufficient out west for mulies?


Aug 6, 2012
Bowtech Experience
28.5" DL
377 grain arrow
68.5 KE

I know this will work for whitetails (well at least i think it will, will have to wait until late October to find out), but I'm not sure that hunting with such a low poundage bow and light arrows out west is a recipe for disaster or success.
Yeah, it will work but so will a longbow. I'm not sure why you've chosen to go with the lighter poundage, but 70lbs isn't hard to pull or hold. I'm by no means a big strong guy (5'6" 135) and I can shoot and hold 70lbs no problem. My measuring stick for acceptable max draw weight is that I have to be able to shoot long sessions w/out fatigue, hold it back for at least 60 seconds, and be able to draw while lying flat on my back without sticking the bow clear up in the air. I'd go with the heavier limbs and you'll be dandy. I shoot 27" and a ~375 grain arrow at 285 fps and get plenty of penetration, even with big (Rage) mechanicals. If you can too, I know this subject has and will continue to be beat to death but I'd become proficient to at least 60 yards.
Took the bow on trade with the 50-60# limbs and had planned to use it just for whitetail since I have an Insanity CPX set around 67# and love shooting it and I don't wanna have a back up bow that just sits around and collects dust. I could get some 60-70# limbs, but I'm not sure it's worth it.
That is more than enough!!! I know a lot of very accomplished hunters that have harvested both elk and muley with 50# bows!!
I've been eating bulls for quite a while now that I killed with 60# including last Tuesdays 5x. Pass thru with a Thunderhead 125, 60#, and 420gr arrow.
More than enough. Like any bow just make sure it's tuned properly. My son has harvested moose with his bow set at 57 lbs, 387 gr arrow and terminal T broadheads.
If anything I would use a heavier arrow but the bow poundage is just fine. The heavier arrows also quiet your bow down but if you kept things where you are at you should be fine as well.
I think some people would shoot a lot better and more confident if they shot a lower poundage bow!! BUT... since were at it, I notice you have a 28.5" DL. that's a lot of arrow to add some weight too! Having that kinetic energy is very efficient when that broadhead starts to cut. I would look at some options. a simple with no bells and whistles- Easton fmj (340) might have to go with 400 but just for example. 340's are 11.3 grains per inch so roughly 322.05 for arrow only add a 125 grain broadhead and nock wraps and blazers and your floating around 460 grains. doing the math with your current setup with a 377 grain arrow at 285 fps will be roughly 68 pounds of kinetic energy. with a 460 grain arrow at 270 (rough estimate with heavier arrow) will put you at roughly 74.5 pounds. The best part of archery is its all in the eyes of the beholder. Shoot a fast bow. Shoot a quiet bow. Shoot a sledgehammer of an arrow. shoot a lazer beam. shoot what you like. Be comfortable and confident in your equipment, and undoubtedly you will be taking trophy pics! Best of luck
I've used a 425-430 grain for years now. Shooting one that's 378 makes me nervous. I'm in the sledgehammer crowd, we'll see how this year works out shooting lasers at whitetails.
I wouldn't buy another 60-70 pound bow with the speeds modern compounds reach. Next one will be 50-60 for me.
You'll be fine!