Is this Kryptek Sheep hunt film satire?

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Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
Unless it changed recently, that is false. They only dedicate $85k annually from auction proceeds to dedicated sheep funding, the rest gets dumped into the SD GFP funds for statewide projects which is BS IMO. To your point that the sheep hunts have not always existed in the dakotas and in the not too distant past sheep were extirpated - Money raised by sheep shouldn't go to pheasant/deer/waterfowl habitat which damn well should fund themselves in SD.
Damn that’s even better news. If they can get more crp and walk in area it’s even better for us. One tag sold to some one is well worth it.

Steve O

Classified Approved
Feb 29, 2012
As I said earlier, that video does more harm than good. The hunter may or may not be a salt of the earth individual.


Those of you that think wild sheep are doing just fine, or have lasted all this time have obviously not spent much time hunting or studying them. They are extremely fragile in general to outside influences. Extra money that goes DIRECTLY for wild sheep management is critical.

I’ll check this weekend with Idaho F&G how much the raffle tag raises compared to the auction tag for them specifically.

I’m not ever going to be in on the bidding for any Governor tags but I am not jealous of those who are. I am quite sure the money they donate has given the rest of us additional sheep tags to draw.

I don’t want them expanded amd I don’t want them eliminated. Let the rich guys bid each other up and keep funding important programs for the sheep.
wind gypsy

wind gypsy

Dec 30, 2014
If auction tags are the answer then why don’t we just auction them all off?

Like most things I think it's good to have balance and take advantage of multiple paths and funding sources for conservation. Can't deny that money helps. One tag a species per state generates a lot of money and doesn't take away much for opportunity. Obviously you don't want to get to UT status.

I look at these situations and think about Africa hunting - in general it is an even worse look in many cases because its hard to get on board with motivations for someone who doesn't get any of the meat for non-predator species. But as far as I can tell, attacking legal hunting in Africa only hurts the wildlife.

The six figure posse hunts don't help public image but hell if I know where to draw the line...


Oct 28, 2014
Like most things I think it's good to have balance and take advantage of multiple paths and funding sources for conservation. Can't deny that money helps. One tag a species per state generates a lot of money and doesn't take away much for opportunity. Obviously you don't want to get to UT status.

I look at these situations and think about Africa hunting - in general it is an even worse look in many cases because its hard to get on board with motivations for someone who doesn't get any of the meat for non-predator species. But as far as I can tell, attacking legal hunting in Africa only hurts the wildlife.

The six figure posse hunts don't help public image but hell if I know where to draw the line...

I’m confused with the multiple funding sources are? Aren’t hunters buying tags ?? Be it an auction or though the f&g dept?
That sound likes it’s one source.

If auctions can generate more money and more money is good for wildlife and that’s the answer then why is one tag sold at auction tag good but all tags sold at auction would be bad ?


Aug 25, 2021
If auctions can generate more money and more money is good for wildlife and that’s the answer then why is one tag sold at auction tag good but all tags sold at auction would be bad ?
If all tags are sold at auction, then only the wealthy will be hunters. I suppose there needs to be balance.

Maybe, as part of the governor’s tag price, you’d get some shooting instruction thrown in. And an equipment check by a professional prior to the hunt. And a lesson in fair chase.
Jan 17, 2013
I suppose you are right....kinda.....what you are ignoring is the negative impact humans have had i.e. building homes in their habitat, building roads in their habitat, introducing domestic sheep that bring disease that kill it or hate it, the revenue from these tags DOES go towards keeping Sheep on the mountain and offsetting a lot of the negative impacts humans have had on them.

I'll say the same for Doug Sayer, love him or hate him.....he and his wife have spent MILLIONS of their own dollars on Sheep Conservation. Did they get some premium tags out of the deal? Sure they did. But their financial contributions to sheep are likely more than all of us in this thread bagging on them have done combined.

*Just playing a little devils advocate, flame away*

Those of you that think wild sheep are doing just fine, or have lasted all this time have obviously not spent much time hunting or studying them. They are extremely fragile in general to outside influences. Extra money that goes DIRECTLY for wild sheep management is critical.

I’ll check this weekend with Idaho F&G how much the raffle tag raises compared to the auction tag for them specifically.

I’m not ever going to be in on the bidding for any Governor tags but I am not jealous of those who are. I am quite sure the money they donate has given the rest of us additional sheep tags to draw.

I don’t want them expanded amd I don’t want them eliminated. Let the rich guys bid each other up and keep funding important programs for the sheep.

Sheep are fragile and Doug Sayer has contributed more money towards sheep conservation than I will ever be able to. However, I think that hunters in Idaho can collectively replace the revenue of the auction tag very easily. IDFG could add $1 to hunting licenses that is earmarked for Sheep conservation. That alone would replace the revenue from the auction tag.

I don't have a better solution to the work that Idaho WSF is doing but I think it is worth asking if they are actually effective at putting more sheep on the mountain as they claim. Idaho WSF was founded in ~1985. In 1990, the population of wild sheep in Idaho numbered 5,000. Today, the population of wild sheep is 2,900. Maybe that number would be even lower if it wasn't for Idaho WSF, maybe not.
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wind gypsy

wind gypsy

Dec 30, 2014
If auctions can generate more money and more money is good for wildlife and that’s the answer then why is one tag sold at auction tag good but all tags sold at auction would be bad ?

You're a smart guy, is this question is really trying to get at something else? It seems pretty obvious that most folks and the north american model want wildlife to benefit people regardless of social of financial class, but wildlife sure benefit from financial resources being dedicated to them. Thus, 1 ID sheep tag being allocated to driving funds to support conservation efforts and 77 ID sheep tags being distributed regardless of a hunter's means or status feels like a pretty good balance to me. If people in charge of sheep conservation are spending that $ appropriately, in theory those funds should support more regular tags than if that funding didn't exist.
Jan 26, 2021
Damn that’s even better news. If they can get more crp and walk in area it’s even better for us. One tag sold to some one is well worth it.
Yeah its fine with me, as long as that person is an ethical hunter and doesn't proudly post a shit show like that for the world to see lol. I get that stuff happens when hunting, thats a given. But the video was obviously not something most of us here would be proud of


Oct 28, 2014
If all tags are sold at auction, then only the wealthy will be hunters. I suppose there needs to be balance.


Isn’t that the system we have in place now? If you have enough to cut a check you can sheep in hunt the lower 48 . But if you don’t then may not? Is that balance ?
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