Is There Ever a Time to Hunt with Magnum Calibers?

If you happen to have any pictures of this, please go ahead and post it in the "Bullet Failures" thread. I think this would be a very good one to discuss. I wonder if it had to do with the angle or deflection, or bullet coming apart, or what.
I wish I did. That was 2015 and photo documentation of anything scientific was far from my mind. When I peeled the front shoulder off there was bullet and bone fragments throughout the connective tissue and embedded in the rib meat beneath the impacted shoulder. I did not recover an intact base from either bullet and from the visible lung damage I assumed no substantial sized portions of the bullets entered the lung, just some bone and bullet fragments than pushed into the cavity.
"Hand down worst experience - 165 gr CT ballistic silver tip from a .30-06. Only shot one animal and swore off the entire CT/Nosler ballistic tip bullet line. MD buck at 175 yards, quartered slightly towards. Two shots into the shoulder, neither made more than a couple pock marks of shrapnel damage to the onside lung. It turned into a civil war volley at that point, 6 rounds total and finally put the cross hairs on his neck to end it. Never had a rodeo like that before or after."

I've shot 60ish deer with 150 gr NBT from a 300wsm and watched another 25ish shot with same bullet.
The NBT pentrated fine and wrecked them all.
I hear ya. I have a friend who shot quite a few deer with the CT BST and loved them. It was at his recommendation I loaded some up.

Im not sure what deer you are harvesting but I do think that can be a factor. Between a 125lb wt and a 225-250lb mule deer there is a substantial difference in distance between the hide at the shoulder and inside of the rib cage.
I hear ya. I have a friend who shot quite a few deer with the CT BST and loved them. It was at his recommendation I loaded some up.

Im not sure what deer you are harvesting but I do think that can be a factor. Between a 125lb wt and a 225-250lb mule deer there is a substantial difference in distance between the hide at the shoulder and inside of the rib cage.
170-220 pound whitetail
I’ve experienced the same thing, but with my muzzleloader. I dropped more deer in their tracks with my 50cal and 44 cal handy sst in a sabot than those cva shockwaves. They leave almost zero for blood