Is There Ever a Time to Hunt with Magnum Calibers?

Case in point. Didn't have to go very far did I...

There isn’t a point there. You accused me of playing the victim. About the only honest way for someone to come to that conclusion, is for them to be intoxicated. Otherwise they are trolling, or just being dishonest.

Edited to correct a word.
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Small caliber bullets kill animals, however recoil comes up as a reason to avoid larger calibers as much as the ability to kill. One shot in the field should not cause someone to miss a shot. Seeing the animal hit is an advantage, but if the shot is true then there's no reason to need to see where the shot hit.
There isn’t a point there. You "accessed me" of playing the victim. About the only honest way for someone to come to that conclusion, is for them to be intoxicated. Otherwise they are trolling, or just being dishonest.
What does it mean "accessed me"? I don't understand, have you been drinking? Did you mean "accused me" and couldn't read what you typed? That's a low blow and wrong. Moderators by de facto job description need to be better than that. As a cult is more than what was selectively defined in another thread, a "moderator" by definition is not ambiguous and not selective.
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Some folks will never experience that. They started out believing they couldn't shoot anything but the lower recoiling rifle like I started out with at age 11.
What does it mean "accessed me"? I don't understand, have you been drinking? Did you mean accused me and just couldn't read what you typed? That's a low blow and wrong. You're a moderator, regardless of what you think, you need to be better than that.

I am not a moderator. That is simply- and solely- to allow me to edit and lock scope evaluation threads. Autocorrecting a word on a phone is not the same as gaslighting someone by claiming they “play the victim”, when that person has never remotely acted like they are a victim.

Can you show anything where I play the victim? It’s a very simple thing- if you can, post it. How about me being arrogant? Can you provide posts showing that?

Between you and I, there is only one that habitually makes declarative posts on subjects that they have no experience at all with.
Yep, if my experience in the field that I've been clear about isn't enough for you to believe we should stand on similar turf, you have an ego and this forum
is your heaven. You can't agree to disagree, you've always got to get the last word in. Here's hoping your disciples show up otherwise pile it on boys. You cannot claim to be not Arrogant with what you said about drinking. An apology might even be in order.. That kind of BS doesn't fill the bill. If you're a moderator so you can have certain privileges, then you don't deserve to be called a moderator. You deserve to be a contributor and nothing more. At least you deserve to be something around here apparently, the rest of us just take low blows.
Yep, if my experience in the field that I've been clear about isn't enough for you to believe we should stand on similar turf, you have an ego and this forum

How are we standing on similar turf? You haven’t experience killing with small calibers- we’re not on the same experience level in this subject.

You have stated repeatedly that you have no experience killing with small calibers, yet you post “opinions” about their suitably in almost every thread that comes up. More than just an opinion, you state those opinions as if they were fact- I.E., “declarative”. Yet what you write is demonstrably false.

Logically, how do you come up with the belief that you are better informed about the subject, than the people that have killed hundreds of game animals with small and large calibers side by side?
That’s what don’t get. I do not make a habit of continually posting about things that I am ignorant on, and/or have no experience with. It baffles critical thought that anyone would, especially if they do not preface their statements with “I have no experience with ____”.

is your heaven. You can't agree to disagree, you've always got to get the last word in. Here's hoping your disciples show up otherwise pile it on boys. You cannot claim to be not Arrogant with what you said if you post to go. That kind of BS doesn't fill the bill. If you're a moderator so you can have certain privileges, then you don't deserve to be called a moderator. You deserve to be called a contributor and nothing more.

What are you talking about? Have I stated something is not factual to you in this thread?
Did you or did you not accuse someone of drinking when they were posting?

I asked a question. I did not accuse them. And then I explained why I asked the question. I can explain it to you again, but I cannot understand it for you.
It was a de facto question you put forth, don't back pedal and play semantics. When in a hole with a shovel, quit digging. Don't try and dig out.
I asked a question. I did not accuse them. And then I explained why I asked the question. I can explain it to you again, but I cannot understand it for you.
At some point, when you butt heads with members time and time again, over and over, do you ever look in the mirror and think…maybe it’s me? Or does the victim thing actually fit?
At some point, when you butt heads with members time and time again, over and over, do you ever look in the mirror and think…maybe it’s me? Or does the victim thing actually fit?

Sure. But it’s the same 3 to 4 people in general. Like you, they generally have no experience in the subjects that they argue, yet somehow cannot understand why them making declarative statements based on their feeling of that subject may be in error.
I've chimed in time and time again smaller calibers and frangible bullets that cause wonton destruction of meat kill animals. I choose to take the most meat home that I can and that happens to work with a larger caliber and a non-frangeable bullet. I have stated my experience and position, you have stated your position and experience. Why do you degrade those that don't agree with you? And say we don't pay attention to what has been posted on this forum, time and time again? Mirrors work, look in one.
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Sure. But it’s the same 3 to 4 people in general. Like you, they generally have no experience in the subjects that they argue, yet somehow cannot understand why them making declarative statements based on their feeling of that subject may be in error.
You keep saying that. But I’ve explained the opposite to you a number of times. If you keep saying it does it make it true? Or are you one of those people that can convince himself by lying to himself, a true narcissist.
You keep saying that. But I’ve explained the opposite to you a number of times. If you keep saying it does it make it true? Or are you one of those people that can convince himself by lying to himself, a true narcissist.

So you have killed animals with .224 ELD-M and X, TMK, Bergers, or equivalent bullets? If so, what are the details, and what were the results?
I'll take that as a compliment that I'm one of three or four people that are willing to share that larger calibers and cases aren't to be feared. One shot in the field is not the same as a 20 or 30 shot group that has been determined statistically relevant on a target. Killing something with a small caliber and frangible small bullet, that destroys an enormous amount of meat as shown by pictures on this forum, is not where I want to be. If hunters want to destroy meat, have at it. There is another option, larger calibers, non-frangeable bullets, and dead animals. Is that any different than saying small calibers work? But at the expense of meat destruction? Hell, shoot a smaller caliber and non-frangeable bullet, it's been said those are not to be overlooked by the powers that be.
I've chimed in time and time again smaller calibers and fringeable bullets that cause wonton destruction of meat kill animals. I choose to take the most meat home that I can and that happens to work with a larger caliber and a non-frangeable bullet.

Neat- can you honestly state that I have argued with you a single time about you

I have stated my experience and position, you have stated your position and experience. Why do you degrade those that don't agree with you?

Please quote a single time I have degraded any experience you have. If you do not have exit with small diameter, heavy for caliber, typical match bullets that are discuss- why do you repeatedly make statements about their efficacy in shot angles, results, or ranges?

And say we don't pay attention to what has been posted on this forum, time and time again? Mirrors work, look in one.

What are talking about? What have I not paid attention to that has been posted on this forum?