Is there a Dr in the house to interpret my MRI?


Jun 24, 2022
SE Flo-Ree-Duh
Just got this result and won't see the surgeon till Friday but would like to know it means . What am I looking at ?

And thank you .

Full-thickness complete tears of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus with musculotendinous retraction. The teres minor is within normal limits. Partial tears of the subscapularis.The long biceps tendon is within the bicipital groove but the tendon appears to be enlarged with some increased signal consistent with tendinosis, possible partial tear.Evaluation of the glenohumeral joint demonstrates tear of the anterior labrum. There is moderate joint effusion communicating with fluid in subacromial/subdeltoid bursa.Hypertrophic degenerative change of the acromioclavicular joint with some impression on the underlying supraspinatus. Type II acromion.Evaluation of marrow signal within the visualized bones demonstrates subchondral cystic change/marrow edema at the previous supraspinatus/supraspinatus insertions.There is some element of atrophy of the muscles of the RIGHT shoulder/rotator cuff.
Not a doctor at all but I can pretend to be one if that helps. Sounds like you tore a few shoulder tendons and a partial tear of your labrum. Bicep tendon may be partially torn, too. Find a good shoulder surgeon, get it fixed, follow your rehab protcol to a T and if it's your right arm learn to wipe your ass with your left hand before you get surgery.....ask me how I know :ROFLMAO: ;)
You (completely) tore two of the 4 muslces that make up your rotator cuff, one of the others is fine, and the last one is partially torn. One of the biceps tendons has some swelling and inflammation at the least, also possibly torn. Labrum (the cartilage ring in your shoulder) has a tear in the front of it. Lots of swelling, some arthritis. Acromion (part of your shoulder blade) is normal. The muscles of the involved tendons have started to shrink.
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Dang what did you do? I fell 10 years ago and tore my subscapulara,8 weeks in block sling and no movement at all for 6 of those.Last 2 weeks I could straighten once a day.Test for that was I couldn't lift anything like a coffee cup with my arm straight out.I did shoot a deer after I tore it as I could draw my bow no problem. If in Kansas I could tell you great shoulder doc
Actually it’s three injuries over time , I think
I tore the bicep years ago and it never healed right.
Then in August I injured it but it was weeks before leaving for Newfoundland so I just did the maybe it will fix itself thing , it didn’t.
Then two weeks ago I stupidly tried to help lift an elk into the back of a quad .
We got out of sync and I felt it go , hurt so bad I almost pissed myself .

Thanks for all the replies!
I’m a certifiable guitar doctor. Sounds to me like you need a fret job and a neck adjustment. Maybe even a complete neck reset. 😆😆

I still do the thing with repeatedly hurting myself because I cannot accept that I’m not bulletproof. It is absolutely impossible for a man to look at his friends and say “I can’t help you put that elk in the truck because my yadayada is hurt”. We think we’ll get our man cards instantly revoked. We’d rather f**k something up so seriously it needs surgery. I’m hoping to get past this by the time I hit 75 or 80.

Good luck with your surgery. Take your anti inflammatory pills ( ibuprofen or acetaminophen) even after the pain subsides because they help with swelling a lot, and swelling slows healing and return of function. (Two knee surgeries, bicep reattachment, umbilical hernia surgery).

Final piece of advice, and I mean this in the nicest way…. Stop being a dumb-&ss. Yes pain is weakness leaving the body, but sometimes pain is the body saying “Uhm dude… maybe not?”
You (completely) tore two of the 4 muslces that make up your rotator cuff, one of the others is fine, and the last one is partially torn. One of the biceps tendons has some swelling and inflammation at the least, also possibly torn. Labrum (the cartilage ring in your shoulder) has a tear in the front of it. Lots of swelling, some arthritis. Acromion (part of your shoulder blade) is normal. The muscles involved with the tendons have started to shrink.
I did the very same things years ago. I had a GREAT surgeon. Recovery was shorter than expected. Minimal pain, I never took pain meds, but I dod have an ice therapy machine. Great invest ment. I used it when I had knee and hip replacementAnd will likely use it in the future. Same surgeon did all operations.
I’m a certifiable guitar doctor. Sounds to me like you need a fret job and a neck adjustment. Maybe even a complete neck reset. 😆😆

I still do the thing with repeatedly hurting myself because I cannot accept that I’m not bulletproof. It is absolutely impossible for a man to look at his friends and say “I can’t help you put that elk in the truck because my yadayada is hurt”. We think we’ll get our man cards instantly revoked. We’d rather f**k something up so seriously it needs surgery. I’m hoping to get past this by the time I hit 75 or 80.

Good luck with your surgery. Take your anti inflammatory pills ( ibuprofen or acetaminophen) even after the pain subsides because they help with swelling a lot, and swelling slows healing and return of function. (Two knee surgeries, bicep reattachment, umbilical hernia surgery).

Final piece of advice, and I mean this in the nicest way…. Stop being a dumb-&ss. Yes pain is weakness leaving the body, but sometimes pain is the body saying “Uhm dude… maybe not?”
It's as though you know me ? 😎 Nailed it !
Carnivore diet and fasted cardio will fix all of that.
Take some motrin and change your socks
Plus a few cold plunges. Should be good to go
1 mug of bone broth and good as new.
You guys left out liver ! I follow a strict regimen of all the above , plus...
Very similar to mine but my teres minor was also effected. Shocking how similar.

I had surgery to repair the labrum and rtc. I got some use back with both but its far from healthy. Be ready for a somewhat rough 6 month recovery and more like 12 months to reach your new normal. It will hurt and inhibit your ability to do things for a while.

Biceps is still abnormal but never gives me any issues, I guess they will leave that lone.

Good luck!