Is the RRS Ascent 14 w/ Anvil-30 Head the Way to Go?

RRS Ascend 14C hasn’t shipped yet.
I went with the Leofoto MH-35 w/Handlebar head and have it.
I ordered (3) Henderson Hunter 3in Arca rails. I will have those in my hands tonight and hoping to get those mounted sooner than later.

I went back and forth on the Anvil vs Leofoto. Gonna see if this setup works for an all in one. I will be able to try everything out in late February on our “AZ grizzly” hunt… Glass for Javelina with the 15s, then swap out the glass with the rifle for the shot.
I use a two vets tripod for sooting and spotting scope glassing. I used the Anvil 3 for several years. Not the best for glassing, fine for shooting.

Switched to a ball head this year and it worked very well for both.

I would like to get an Ascend, but thats a chunk of change to pony up.