Is the leupold cds dial worth it?

It makes it very simple, quick and easy to dial in the range. takes all of the question/figuring out of MOA clicks. But as mentioned, you have to shoot the same ammo and it doesn't allow for fine tuning the ballistics, air pressure, elevations etc. so if you plan on shooting farther than say... 700yards, probably not the right set up

If you don't order the Custom Dial, the CDS dial that comes with it works fine for adjusting MOA

If you do get the custom dial fore your ammo, range an animal, 525 yards, dial to 525.... put cross hairs on and shoot... hard to beat the simplicity.
1 dial comes free with the scope and if your just starting out dialing and don't shoot over 500 I think its great. Lots of guys screw up shots dialing wrong and having twisted turrets.
i hate unnecessary moving parts. just something else to go wrong. I have a CDS scope and for 95% of what I do I am still more comfortable just using old school methods of holding crosshairs in an appropriate location. I just have not shot enough of any single batch of ammo to get comfortable with it. And somehow my critters always fall in place.
I'm a big fan.
Zero at 200 & you realistically don't need to dial unless it's 300+, just know your ammo drop & hold over.
I had to dial for a shot on 3 elk, one of which was 500+ & had only a few seconds to shoot.
If not for the dial I probably wouldn't have even gotten a shot off.
If you prefer to switch ammo you can just order another one for ~$60
The CDS is easy to use and they are abundantly convenient. However, no sooner do you start using one and decide to shoot a different bullet. It has happened to me more than once. At $80 a piece, you may want to wait awhile before ordering them.
Definitely worth it if you’re shooting one kind of ammo. I’ve had great luck dialing for coyotes that hang up with mine
If it’s free, why not?

Personally, I prefer to just have my regular turret and dial the correction my Revic RF generates.
So I was looking the scope was actually a duplex reticle so I am going to test alot of ammo till I find one perfect for the rifle then im going to order one.
Prob depends on where you hunt. Simplifies and makes things quicker at longer range. I don't think I would've harvested my buck this year without it based on conditions. Quick range, dial, and shot can make all the difference knowing where the round will impact.