In all seriousness, I would agree that Kifaru is currently lacking engagement on Rokslide. I'm not really on social media at the moment (aside from FB for marketplace and rifle shooting groups) so I don't really have any input on that aspect.
I think one thing that made Kifaru successful over the years was the availability for customers to engage with employees via forums and social media. That looks to have tapered off quite a bit especially recently.
I can only assume they are looking at developing new strategies with the 'departure' of A.S. I think they have some smart and capable people working there and will get things back on course.
@FrankieP1988, I don't know if Kifaru has called, but they should. They seem to be lacking a credible face of the company. Not that this is required to build quality products, but it does help get the message out and lend credibility to the testing. Being away, I'm sure you have some new fresh ideas too!