Is bareshaft tuning a bunch of B.S?

"Its crazy how much a 4” or 5” fletch can correct an incorrectly spined arrow." Beendare

Seems quite true. I stripped off some beat up fletch on two douglas fir, and shot them.. Broke one as it hard right and low, and another shot consistently low as well. I had considered these as good shooters.
The first I had sanded down considerably, weaking spine, and the second, well? Spring time at the old drawing board.
Yeah, good's easy to get complacent and think, "My bow shoots pretty good"...but then when tuned you shoot lights out. Sounds kind of weird but The bad shots just aren't as bad when the bow is tuned.

I've seen it many times helping guys with untuned Compound bows [I haven't done as much of it with other guys and Stickbows]

The guy thinks he is shooting pretty good groups with FP's and an untuned bow .....but then his BH's are wonky.

Tune the bow and the groups size is cut in half or more. Literally the guy was a way better shot than his bow was allowing him to shoot.