Is a Spike Elk a 'Real' bull?

How many of you spike killers got them mounted on the wall?
Like a real bull?
most of my branch bulls aren't even on the wall, i have skull caps or euros from them laying around my house and shop, including the couple spikes i killed years ago. it's not so much about the "trophy" aspect to me, they are just tangible reminders of past seasons and past hunts.

the couple spikes i killed in the past were as cool as any of them, they have a story just like the branch bulls do. i actually want to kill a spike in the near future (maybe this year ;) ) one of those roosie spike with the light red mane that only spikes have, i want to keep the hide and have it tanned, they are beautiful, and only spikes have that coloration.

spikes are unreal eating animals. i usually don't shoot spikes because it's easy to talk myself out of, because i want to keep hunting.... it's not about wanting another set of bigger antlers, i don't really care about that, but spikes i can justify holding out on so i get to hunt another day.

this Sept, when i'm packing my recurve, and i have one of those red maned spikes in front of me, he should feel nervous.... will i shoot when it comes down to it? i don't know, but he certainly won't be completely safe. i would shoot a spike without hesitation on the last day (or couple days) of the season if i had a tag in my pocket. i'm not above shooting them, it usually just doesn't come to that.

i will say, i would feel more accomplishment for the season making a perfect shot on a spike and watching it die vs making a poor shot on a big bull that ends in a 7hr rodeo of a track job.... that's just how i'm wired. i have a couple good representatives of every animal i hunt, that's good enough for me in terms of "trophies" beyond that, i just like hunting, and i pass some critters to keep my season going, not because i think i deserve a bigger one, or am concerned with how it will look on the wall.... i just don't care about that.

that's why i plan on shooting a recurve for elk moving forward, rather than chasing bigger antlers as a personal challenge, i will just hunt with a more difficult weapon.... sounds more fun to me, while increasing the challenge of elk season. i don't expect others to think like me, but we are all out there for different motivations.... pretty weak to belittle people for shooting spikes because you have gained a higher experience level and don't want to shoot spikes yourself..... some people forget the path that got them where they are and expect everyone to share their current standards.... whatever ya got to do to pump your ego i guess, planting seeds of your superiority.
Spike elk matter! Probably need to loot Cabela's or Sportsman's to prove it and maybe burn down a F and G office if I don't draw a better tag, all in the name of a peaceful protest of course.
I could care less to be honest. Im an equal opportunity elk hunter. Spikes, cows, bulls......they are all elk and all taste great. If it’s legal and you want to kill it....who really cares. Most of the units I hunt in Montana are brow tine bull or cow for archery and general seasons. Like 5milesback i rarely see spikes when I’m out. I hunt with traditional gear just for the reason I’m happy killing anything with it. We only eat what we raise and kill so for’s about the food and just enjoying being out, killing shit and packing meat. I don’t get time like most of you guys do because of busy restaurant life so I usually find myself targeting cows, does and or smaller or average bucks.
OP , the 4x4 I killed in 19 had 6 cows with it so is it a herd bull
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Potentially.........until a more dominant bull moves in. Otherwise you've got a raghorn passing on his genes.
I would say 8 out of 10 bulls running cows around here are rags, but like you pointed out, they usually aren’t breeding those cows.
There are a few dynamics, sometimes you have a big mature bull (let’s say a 5+yr old bull) running cows early and stay with the cows the whole time and breeds them... least common occurrence around here.

the other 2 seems about equal, you have rags running cows and then late the second week of season/or early 3rd week and a big mature bull comes out of the wood work and takes over, or....

that big bull never takes the herd over, he is not seen with the cows, but he’s always around and only comes over to breed the cows as they get hot, pretty much only under the cover of darkness. This is actually pretty common here on the coast, you see these huge rubs all over, but the “herd bull” is a little rag 3x4, knowing he can’t make those ribs, put a camera up and you get nighttime pics of him, but he isn’t in there ever when you see them.

one of the biggest bulls I have ever seen was hanging out by himself on the last weekend of Sept, acting like it was mid august.

Most bulls I see running cows are 3.5yr old 5pts or smaller, no matter what part of the season... there are exceptions of course.

great thing about roosies is a bull running cows thinks he is the biggest bull on the mountain, they are 100% confident they are gonna whip your ass... I’m storming the gates, and they are meeting me along the way... timid they aren’t
How many of you spike killers got them mounted on the wall?
Like a real bull?
Several. Couple first timers I know have them too. I keep the horns off all my trophies, of which a legally harvested spike is one, along with my branch bulls. I save cow ivories too, does that make me less a hunter in your eyes? I couldn’t careless, I do me. A number of spikes are on my wall, along with a few first small forkey deer for kids/first timers, cherished trophies all.

Sad you seem to feel a need to put folks down.
Several. Couple first timers I know have them too. I keep the horns off all my trophies, of which a legally harvested spike is one, along with my branch bulls. I save cow ivories too, does that make me less a hunter in your eyes? I couldn’t careless, I do me. A number of spikes are on my wall, along with a few first small forkey deer for kids/first timers, cherished trophies all.

Sad you seem to feel a need to put folks down.

I just asked a legit question. Not putting anyone down.

Back when I killed spikes, I used the antlers for knife handles or even dog chews.

BTW - I dont care about you or what you do. Keep doing you.
I eat elk, spikes, cows, rag horns, herd bulls what ever I can kill and eat. Now if it’s a mature cow or spike I’ll kill a spike first due to my impression of leaving breeders alone when feasible. After that then it’s a matter of antlers. The old school guys who killed the tastier age class elk are few and far between.
3 Positives about Martians (Spike Elk) VS Mature Bulls
1. They are fairly easy to call
2. They are way easier to pack
3. They always eat good!! I’ve shot bulls that you could wear your teeth out on.
Bonus: they save you a ton of $ on taxidermy bills
I just asked a legit question. Not putting anyone down.

Back when I killed spikes, I used the antlers for knife handles or even dog chews.

BTW - I dont care about you or what you do. Keep doing you.
You start with a legit question, then end with “Unlike a ‘real bull’.” There are plenty of very happy successful spike hunters that consider them a real bull, because actually they are, that would agree your remark is a put down. That attitude, imo, hurts hunting and hunters. Any legal harvest is one to celebrate.
Wow aren't you cool. You must kill only giant bulls each year.

Come on man. You know how many people on this forum would give their left nut just to have an up and personal encounter with a spike? An elk is an elk, they are all beautiful and awesome animals to be in and around. They are not dumb or stupid by any means.

I realize that big old bulls are much wiser in a lot of ways, but lets have a little respect for the animals and the people that work so hard and devote so many resources just to have that one encounter.
I could not agree more with your sentiments, and I have killed a fair number of branch bulls and large mature bulls.