Is a Spike Elk a 'Real' bull?

I will admit that I sometimes pass on spike's early in the season. I try very hard not to take them out of the herd. I learned a long time ago that I had to stop killing small one's if I wanted to kill bigger one's and I enjoy going after older animals more. But I have taken spike's on the last day or when hunting is tough and happy to have the meat.
A spike is a young bull. All elk deserve respect. Many of you that have negative perspectives of spikes likely hunt areas where they are not legal. I have been shooting elk since the late 80s and I still consider any elk a trophy... Even a spike.
This! My problem is I can’t pass up a spike.
Maybe we should all stop forcing labels on animals. It is just an elk, unless of course it prefers to identify as something else.
some of you all are spoiled in other western states.

the old days of bull elk hunting in eastern WA State are long gone.
my GMU has been Rifle/general spike bull only for many years, since 1992/93 thereabouts. Branched antler bulls or cows has to be via drawn permit, in a bonus point (pure lottery) system. In 2020 rifle, there were only 7 bull permits available and over 900 applicants.

So I'm happy to take a spike bull in general, and be out elk hunting. At least my GMU is not True Spike Only, where both antler sides need to only be a spike, no eyeguards, no other points.
GMU I hunt for over 50 years, One side needs to be spike.
Taken several 1x2, 1x3 spike bulls over the years.

Hunt/camp partner once took a spike bull that had velvet antlers of 6" long. We called it "4 ears bull calf". Legal by least it had balls.
Grew up in Yakima. Started bowhunting there in 86. Never realized how good I had it then.
Don't take your elk hunting for granted if in a state with good elk herds and seasons.
If I shot a spike I cant say I would go around telling people I shot a bull but come on guys, its 2021 the elk can identify as whatever it wants.
I would usually say yes, it is a bull based on the presence of testicles. But now boys can be girls, girls can be boys so apparently genetics doesn't have as much to do with gender as we were taught...
Technically, I have never shot a spike. (per IDFG) He had a small fork on one side of tall fuzzy spikes. ;)

But it was self defense. He was going to run over me when he came running to my cow call. I drew and shot him at under 10 as he was still coming fast.
I consider myself blessed if I can kill a spike bull elk.
My first elk ever was a spike right on our place from a tree-stand in 2007. I was hunting a solid early season whitetail buck when a chunky spike bull came under my tree.

Even cow elk are high on my list of amazing animals that should be special for any hunter.

At first I thought this thread was satire!
There's been a handful of them I would have smoked if I could have put my tag on them. It's always cool to get close to an elk but I would rather put them in the cooler. ..

I'm surprised to see the number of guys that don't run into spikes. A few years ago I had a herd come by at about sixty yards while bow hunting in heavy timber. Two cows and ten spikes. I couldn't believe it, just one after another...

Another day, I was just screwing around with my call while taking a break. I turn around and there's a spike watching me from about 15 yards. He just kind of wandered away.
If you are a trophy hunter no. If you are a meat hunter who just enjoys a good hunt and Elk meat absolutely.
As a matter of fact if you are not looking to whack a 300 in + Bull why not shoot a tasty spike. I consider any
Bull Elk a trophy spike or not.
I’m a neat hunter. I’ll shoot ever legal spike I can. That being said we had 2 spikes int he archery season literally follow us around in Colorado a couple years ago. It was hilarious.
Half of WA state, the only OTC tags they give out are spike only. Given the 1000s of people that saturate the woods for them annually with bows, muzzys and rifles and the single digit success rates, if you kill a spike around here you are practically a local hero and are praised by every camp in the unit. That being said, I go out of state and have never messed with that BS but my view on spikes is definitely different than most! If they are able to not get killed, they are safe for their entire adult life minus predators, LE tag holders and tribal hunters.