Is 308 good enough

Thank you everyone for the information and advice, I really appreciate it.
Probably beat to death but here goes.

Is a 308 good enough for elk?

I have 2 300-win mags and the more I shoot them the more I find that I don't care for the recoil (getting old I guess)
So I have been rethinking my caliber choice for my Elk hunt, Thinking 308 would be a good compromise of bullet weight and recoil. I already have one in the safe.

So what do you all think? My longest shot maybe 400 yards but I will always try to get closer.
Also considering the 270 that I use for Deer hunting.

Thanks in advance.
Have not read all the replies, but have you thought of cutting down one of your 300s and getting a suppressor? If you reload you could load down to 30-06 levels...with a suppressor it will probably recoil less than your 308, yet be more lethal, and pleasurable to shoot.

PSA - For anyone looking for 308 ammo, this is the best deal I have seen in a long time:

30 Cal is 30 Cal. The only variable that will change if what range you will be shooting. Granted, you can shoot heavier bullets with 300 WM or 30-06 than the 308.

What bullet you use and where you place that shot is way more important than more ft-lbs.
I've killed a good number of deer and elk with 308, and never lost one with 308 (all 150 gr barnes ttsx). But, if you want low recoil for when you're another 10 years older, I'd get ahead of the clock and just get a 6.5CM. I just made the switch myself, and the 6.5CM is better than the 308 beyond 400 yards. I got mine as a 500 yard gun. At 400 or less the 308 is "better". But, if you can shoot a 6.5CM more accurately, then perhaps it's actually better at all ranges (20% less recoil than 308).
I've thought about getting a 6.5CM, but when I get down to it I start to think about dropping a $1K on a nice Tikka, then another $1500 in optics, $500 in outfitting it for me (sling, metal base, optics mounts, etc.) plus dropping another $500 minimum in ammo. So I'm easily $3K-$3.5K into it, usually more. When in all reality the difference between the .308 and the 6.5CM is negligible.

A Nosler Accubond 168gr in 308 will responsibly take a moose up to 300 yards, an elk up to 450 yards, and a deer out to 550 or even 600 yards with proper marksmanship. I just don't see any value in getting a 6.5CM unless I have a considerable amount of disposable income to blow on another gun - which if you got it, by all means have at it. No judgement at all. I personally prefer to load up on 308 ammo and get really good with it. Just my personal preference.
I bought my 308 last year for the purpose of a western hunt. Gets the job done, doesn't weight a ton, and plenty of ammo choices for us who don't handload (yet)
I’ve taken 2 bulls with a 308. The one at 42yds went further than the one at over 450yds. Both taken with 168ttsx out of an 18” barrel. I’d have no issues grabbing any of my 308s vs my wsm or wm with confidence. Great round.
Really? There are so many threads about what bullet.. what rifle....etc. My first elk hunt i was fourteen (legal age in colorado in 1985. I was given a 243 to hunt with. The what isn't, the what is all bs. This year i shot my yukon moose at 310 yards with a 160 grain bullet in a 7 millmeter. One shot. BULLET PLACEMENT! Learn to shoot your fing rifle you like. or else keep starting threads about what shou;ld i do
and after you realize this, do it, and then come back here and share your incredible hunt. And that means your experience of your hunt. everything from a 243 to a 338 is going to kill things. learn to shoot your rifle of choice
Bullet construction is more important than the headstamp.
You are correct. I was not impressed withthe 220 grain ELDX this year 50 yards out of my 300 RUM. Broadside, yes the elk died but the bullet just could not hold together at those velocities. Hit on rib and the thing grenaded. Bullet is important very important.
The last three big game animals I’ve taken were with a 308 and 165 Nosler Ballistic tips. 2 bull elk and 1 bull moose. Moose made it 40 yards, the elk died where they were shot. I used to use a 300 win mag and took 6 elk and lots of deer. Now much less recoil with the 308 and at 300 yards or less, it’s tough to tell the difference between the two.

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I second the 270. My Roosevelt bull and many other big game animals have been taken with it. I shoot the federal ammunition with a 140 trophy bonded bullet. Works with good shot placement every time.
But I’ve been told a 140gr cartridge is too light to kill elk out of my 7 mag so how is it that it will work out of a 270?

Disclaimer; I take that with a grain of salt as I have killed elk with 140gr ammo with my 7 mag