Iron Will Outfitters broadheads

Here's the fp damage
just ordered me a 3 pack.....i got more damn broadheads than i will ever shoot at critters....Silver Flames, Solids, Now Iron Will...not cheap BHs either.
The IW's were boringly accurate. they hit EXACTLY with my field points at 60, as best as i can group, which was pretty good tonight.

I actually cut a field point because i hit the sharpened back blade of the IW. It cut 2 slits in the field point, and cut a little slit in my aluminum footer.

That's some great shooting! We've already been recommending shooting field tips after broadheads to prevent slicing fletching, but now we're going to have to recommend shooting at completely different points on the target altogether!
I am very excited to use this season. I have the 125 deep six and have them on some A/C injexions. They group right with my field points. They do make some noise but I think this is going to be my go to broadhead now. I have slick tricks and helix broadheads too, but still going with the iron will broadheads. They just look so awesome too. Love them so far. Hopefully they will do their job this season.
I am very excited to use this season. I have the 125 deep six and have them on some A/C injexions. They group right with my field points. They do make some noise but I think this is going to be my go to broadhead now. I have slick tricks and helix broadheads too, but still going with the iron will broadheads. They just look so awesome too. Love them so far. Hopefully they will do their job this season.

i also have helix (which i love, took to africa, they shoot great), slick tricks, ramcats, etc... but the iron wills will be my go-to for the forseeable future. they shoot too damn good and are so freaking sharp i see no reason to switch. plus i love the bleeder blades that you do not get with the helix. even after quite a few shots into targets, the blades are still scary sharp. the one i dinked with the fp still shot exactly the same for the next several shots, so i'll just touch up the blades and try to send it through an elk (or bear, or deer).
That's some great shooting! We've already been recommending shooting field tips after broadheads to prevent slicing fletching, but now we're going to have to recommend shooting at completely different points on the target altogether!

yup! i put 3 small dots at 20 yards on my target. one was cut with an Iron Will. one hit with a field point, and one hit with a bare shaft. i can't believe the amount of damage the back of that blade did to my fp, and the teensiest tiniest chip out of the IW.
I have broke a lot of broad heads and arrows shooting into the stupid Glendell Full Rut target. Why I keep using it I don't know. But does your replacement/lifetime guarantee cover instances like that?
i also have helix (which i love, took to africa, they shoot great), slick tricks, ramcats, etc... but the iron wills will be my go-to for the forseeable future. they shoot too damn good and are so freaking sharp i see no reason to switch. plus i love the bleeder blades that you do not get with the helix. even after quite a few shots into targets, the blades are still scary sharp. the one i dinked with the fp still shot exactly the same for the next several shots, so i'll just touch up the blades and try to send it through an elk (or bear, or deer).

I agree. They are just solid, razor sharp, and durable broadheads. Haven't needed to yet but like that they stand by their broadheads and replace, etc if any issues.
I have broke a lot of broad heads and arrows shooting into the stupid Glendell Full Rut target. Why I keep using it I don't know. But does your replacement/lifetime guarantee cover instances like that?

"While we don't recommend grouping heads, our lifetime guarantee covers instances like that. We'd be happy to replace it if it turns into a situation where you feel it inhibits your accuracy or confidence in the field. Iron Will Outfitters Warranty claims can be made on the following page:"
Got mine.....flew great. Worried about using them on deer....I'm pretty sure I will lose it with a full pass through . For sure will use these on elk
Got mine.....flew great. Worried about using them on deer....I'm pretty sure I will lose it with a full pass through . For sure will use these on elk

But hey, full pass throughs are what we're going for, lol! :) Good luck this year!
I have broke a lot of broad heads and arrows shooting into the stupid Glendell Full Rut target. Why I keep using it I don't know. But does your replacement/lifetime guarantee cover instances like that?

I have beat the crap out of a bunch of these heads testing them. you wont break one on a Glendell target, hell I couldn't break one on giant bones! I even shot one at a frozen bone and it didn't break.
Yep They are flying fantastic and right where FP hit exactly. I am ready to rock. praying for a shot opportunity this year. Nasty little broad heads.

I chipped one when i missed a shot at a very nice deer this past weekend. Under the dirt must have been rock, and it took out the very tip of the blade. MtnHunter lives in the same town as I do, and is going to meet me in person to give me a replacement blade. Of course its a unique situation living minutes apart, but still its very cool of him to get me a new blade before my hunt the last week of the season. definitely not regretting spending the extra cash on these heads. only thing on my mind is how i managed to screw that shot up!
Do you have plans to make a non-vented model? Would it be quieter? I don't really have any knowledge on the subject, but I'm interested in your response. Thanks!

I recently completed sound testing with very sophisticated equipment and an engineering expert in the field. I plan to publish the results once all the data is analyzed, but I can give you my initial assessment. Some broadheads and vanes are louder than others and in general vents in the blades do increase the sound. However, at the location of the animal, the noise level was the nearly same for all broadheads, fletchings, and field points until about .01 seconds before impact. In other words, they don't hear the increased noise from blades or vanes until the arrow is about 1 yard away, so it's too late to react. For a 30 yard shot with a bow speed of 300 fps for instance, it takes the arrow 0.3 seconds to get to the animal. The sound of the bow gets to the animal in about 0.1 seconds, so they do have about 0.2 seconds to react to the sound of the bow. After hearing the sound of the bow, the arrow noise is quite low at the location of the animal until just before impact. I plan to show overlaid sound intensity plots to support this conclusion.