Iron Will Outfitters broadheads

Love the passion for making the best BH you can. Would any slight noise (.01 second) in the vented version make up for, that compared to a solid version, in less surface area and therefore less susceptibility to crosswinds? Your opinion only, but really appreciate the sound study you are conducting.
Love the passion for making the best BH you can. Would any slight noise (.01 second) in the vented version make up for, that compared to a solid version, in less surface area and therefore less susceptibility to crosswinds? Your opinion only, but really appreciate the sound study you are conducting.

I haven`t shot the solid blades enough in wind to determine if this is significant, but I expect it to be a very small difference. I don`t think you can go wrong with either head.

Hey guys, this is pretty cool. IronWill makes Petersen’s Bowhunting as one of the best new products of 2018 from ATA!

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The solid blade build is finishing up next week and then we will begin shipping the S-Series in 125 to 225 grains.

I just placed an order for the vented and solid 125 grain Iron Will BH tonight. I have read and watched as much as I could about the Iron Will BH, with all the positive responses it was worth a try.

I know there are a lot of good broadheads on the market and many that cost less than the Iron Will. Its kind of crazy spending $200 for six BH but I dropped more than $200 in Vegas and came away with a big bag of nothing. At least I get I lifetime guarantee with Iron Will

I had my 5th shoulder surgery back in late December and I can only pull 50 pound so I am looking for a cut on contact BH to get the maximum penetration on elk this coming year.

I will also be testing the Iron Will out of a Scorpyd crossbow, this crossbow shoots a 600 grain bolt at 386 FPS at this speed I am a little worried about flight. If people are interested I will post up my results
I just placed an order for the vented and solid 125 grain Iron Will BH tonight. I have read and watched as much as I could about the Iron Will BH, with all the positive responses it was worth a try.

I know there are a lot of good broadheads on the market and many that cost less than the Iron Will. Its kind of crazy spending $200 for six BH but I dropped more than $200 in Vegas and came away with a big bag of nothing. At least I get I lifetime guarantee with Iron Will

I had my 5th shoulder surgery back in late December and I can only pull 50 pound so I am looking for a cut on contact BH to get the maximum penetration on elk this coming year.

I will also be testing the Iron Will out of a Scorpyd crossbow, this crossbow shoots a 600 grain bolt at 386 FPS at this speed I am a little worried about flight. If people are interested I will post up my results

Awesome. Yes please post your results. Feedback is what drives change. It also helps others looking in who may be wondering.
Hey guys~

First off, these guys are a Rokslide sponsor, and you can check out their info here Iron Will Outfitters - High Quality Broadheads for Bow Hunting

I'm curious how many people here are shooting these broadheads? They are a relatively new company to the scene. Sales only started back in August 2016, so a very young company.

I've been shooting and testing these heads since early this year. If you have been following our New Year New Season thread you have saw my posts about them.

If you have them, have shot them, have questions about them, comments about them, or anything regarding them please post it up here. Looking for any feedback. As with any company getting feedback can help illicit changes and reaffirm that things are going the right direction.

I have a current article coming on them, and they have some pretty exciting new things in the works. I'm kind of an archery geek, so I get excited about new products that can change the way we hunt....but I'm old enough to know that when I find something really good to stick with it. Everything I've learned about these heads and more importantly the company itself has made it very easy for me to get really comfortable with making a switch and supporting a company that supports Rokslide and the hunting industry.

I'll post up a few pictures of the heads here and there, but hopefully we'll get the article published soon, and get full details out to you on what the team at Iron Will Outfitters is up to.

I'll do my best to answer questions and Eric and Bill will also be able to chime in and help out.

Fire away!

I've been very interested since hearing Snyder talk about them on GB. What stopped me from getting them was his critique of the noise they make. They say they are going to sell non vented blades, and on Kifarucast, they are saying the non vented blades are quieter. Have you tested those kind of Iron Will Broadheads? If so how did you find their accuracy, consistency per broadheads, and the noise? Thanks in advance.

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They are quieter. The vented ones don’t bother me at all. The solid blade version is nearly silent in comparison. Accuracy is excellent. Consistency is unparalleled. Sounds like they will be shipping in a cpl weeks.

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They are quieter. The vented ones don’t bother me at all. The solid blade version is nearly silent in comparison. Accuracy is excellent. Consistency is unparalleled. Sounds like they will be shipping in a cpl weeks.

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Gotta say, I'm very excited about getting a few boxes. For me the noise was a concern only because I had a buck duck the arrow last year, but that was most likely cause of my loud ass bow! haha. Sucks being a new guys! Thanks for replying. I've already planned on ordering my first 3 here pretty soon.

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One of the few items I can genuinely say that you won’t be disappointed with.

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Just ordered the vented and will be hopefully enjoying what I have been seeking for 4 decades in a broad head.
Excited and certain I will be as pleased as with some other broad heads I used. But I am hopeful I will be even more excited that ever.
Finally broke down and bought a 3 pack today. Will be making sure my bow is tuned before I take one confirmation shot with each before touching up and placing in my quiver for the season.
I recently took some high magnification edge pictures of a number of broadheads and want to share my findings. I get a lot of question about what makes a premium broadheads and why does it cost more. Two very important benefits are sharpness and edge retention. We use A2 tool steel with a hardness of 60 HRC. We do a triple draw heat treatment and cryogenic treatment to get the maximum performance from the steel. This allows us to get a very high hardness along with a high impact strength. Higher hardness allows us to get a much sharper edge and maintain that edge longer. We do a three stage grinding process where the final stage is a super fine honing. Here are some high magnification photos (200X) of five very popular broadheads along with ours in the lower right.

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Another thing I've found is that many broadheads that start sharp are dull by the time they go through hide and for sure through a rib. I recently did a force test, pushing broadheads through a tanned deer hide and into a piece of foam. The pictures attached are after two passes through hide. The ones on the left and middle were made from 420SS with a hardness of about 50 HRC (by far the most popular broadheads blade steel). There was no measureable change to the Iron Will broadhead (far right). This demonstrates the advantage of a premium blade steel at high hardness. It is cutting all the way through, not pushing tissue aside, to maximize bleeding for good blood trails and quick kills.

edge comparison hide.jpg
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I recently bought a single vented to try. I didn't get to shoot it much but was extremely impressed. Shot it into a Reinhardt broadhead target 5 times and it will still shave hair off my arm! Never had a broadheads do that before.

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