Iron Will Outfitters broadheads

I picked up 6 and they seem like great heads. Like others have said they are very loud. If I were to ever buy more I would stick with the solids.

With that being said - here is a PSA that you can take as you will. IME their customer service is highly lacking. If you haven't already ordered and need your broadheads within 3 weeks - DON'T.

The original six that I ordered shipped within 3 days with no issues whatsoever. However I lost one of them, and with 5 arrows in the quiver and two others already shot one of which chipped, I ordered three more so that I could at least have four never shot broadheads in my quiver with my one judo point.

That was on August 8th.

On August 13th I called to check on the order. No answer.

So, on August 13th I filled out the contact us form. No response until August 14th. When I was told that there is a two week lead time (which conveniently is mentioned nowhere on their site.) I immediately replied back saying well if this is the case I need to cancel the order and asked for them to please acknowledge that the order was cancelled. That was about 30 hours ago - No response.

On the same day I also pm'ed Bill here on Rokslide to let him know of my disappointment that the delay isnt mentioned on the site. No response, even though it appears that he has signed in since then.

I then called them again today August 15th - No Answer.

So now I have reached out to them via paypal to again ask them to either ship the product or refund my money.

Should anything change - for better or worse I will be sure to post it here. However, here are my thoughts:

If you are selling a premium product at an ultra premium price then your customer service neeeds to match that and from my experience they clearly dont.

If you are selling a product this close to hunting season and there is a delay - then that needs to be conveyed to the customer before the purchase not after.

Regardless of the quality or the price, good communication is paramount - if you don't have that you don't really have a company.

Perhaps this is just growing pains, and as stated, the product seems superb, loud but still superb. Its not going to change my approach, I have two broadheads that havent been shot and I can sharpen the others.

I am just putting it out there for all the others that may not have purchased yet that the customer service and communication are severely lacking...and if you need your order anytime soon to not place the order. Hopefully they can right the ship. I just hate to see someone not deliver during crunch time when it really counts and that appears to be what is going to happen here.

Should that change I will let you guys know.

Crap... that’s not what I wanted to hear. It took me a while to save up the money for these, and I ordered 12 online on Monday... (cutting it waaay closer than I typically like to, but I figured it’d be worth the investment) I kind of figured 150gr heads shouldn’t be in huge demand and might get shipped immmediately..... I left a message earlier today via phone, hopefully than get back to me pretty quick. Due to the time crunch I might have to cancel. (Then I’d dang sure need that money back for some other BH’s) Sure hope it doesn’t come to that.... please keep us posted
Got a response on Instagram today within 2 hours of sending a message. 125gr solids are currently a 1-2 week wait. If you need something for opening day I would probably go with a different head.
I picked up 6 and they seem like great heads. Like others have said they are very loud. If I were to ever buy more I would stick with the solids.

With that being said - here is a PSA that you can take as you will. IME their customer service is highly lacking. If you haven't already ordered and need your broadheads within 3 weeks - DON'T.

The original six that I ordered shipped within 3 days with no issues whatsoever. However I lost one of them, and with 5 arrows in the quiver and two others already shot one of which chipped, I ordered three more so that I could at least have four never shot broadheads in my quiver with my one judo point.

That was on August 8th.

On August 13th I called to check on the order. No answer.

So, on August 13th I filled out the contact us form. No response until August 14th. When I was told that there is a two week lead time (which conveniently is mentioned nowhere on their site.) I immediately replied back saying well if this is the case I need to cancel the order and asked for them to please acknowledge that the order was cancelled. That was about 30 hours ago - No response.

On the same day I also pm'ed Bill here on Rokslide to let him know of my disappointment that the delay isnt mentioned on the site. No response, even though it appears that he has signed in since then.

I then called them again today August 15th - No Answer.

So now I have reached out to them via paypal to again ask them to either ship the product or refund my money.

Should anything change - for better or worse I will be sure to post it here. However, here are my thoughts:

If you are selling a premium product at an ultra premium price then your customer service neeeds to match that and from my experience they clearly dont.

If you are selling a product this close to hunting season and there is a delay - then that needs to be conveyed to the customer before the purchase not after.

Regardless of the quality or the price, good communication is paramount - if you don't have that you don't really have a company.

Perhaps this is just growing pains, and as stated, the product seems superb, loud but still superb. Its not going to change my approach, I have two broadheads that havent been shot and I can sharpen the others.

I am just putting it out there for all the others that may not have purchased yet that the customer service and communication are severely lacking...and if you need your order anytime soon to not place the order. Hopefully they can right the ship. I just hate to see someone not deliver during crunch time when it really counts and that appears to be what is going to happen here.

Should that change I will let you guys know.

Were you able to get your order cancelled and refunded? I haven’t received any response over the last couple days, (left a couple voicemails and filled out the contact form.) I understand growing pains, but honestly it’s pretty frustrating when they are constantly on Instagram rather than trying to keep up with their customer service. (I’m not a social media guy, and can’t figure out how to send a message via Instagram) I’m not trying to, not do I want to, speak ill of Bill and his company, but gosh dang I need some answers, and possibly cancel my order. I’ve got several months of savings into this order, and if I can’t get the iron wills in time, then I’ll need that money to purchase other BH.
I sent an email over the weekend and got an answer monday morning. So far all my dealings / orders with them have been excellent.
Were you able to get your order cancelled and refunded? I haven’t received any response over the last couple days, (left a couple voicemails and filled out the contact form.) I understand growing pains, but honestly it’s pretty frustrating when they are constantly on Instagram rather than trying to keep up with their customer service. (I’m not a social media guy, and can’t figure out how to send a message via Instagram) I’m not trying to, not do I want to, speak ill of Bill and his company, but gosh dang I need some answers, and possibly cancel my order. I’ve got several months of savings into this order, and if I can’t get the iron wills in time, then I’ll need that money to purchase other BH.

Bill finally replied to my pm here (late last night) asked for my drop dead date and said he would do all he could do to get me my broadheads by then or refund the money so its still up in the air at this point.
I ordered last month and there was a delay also, not mentioned on the website. I did get them in time to play with before season. But I wasn't aware that they were made to order and they were that far behind in production. I'm sure the production issue is growing pains. But the communication should be addressed and the lead time should be on the website so that customers are aware. I wasn't really happy about that, but I had plenty of time.

So far I really like the heads. They shoot great, haven't had any that don't spin good on all my arrows which almost never happens with most heads without messing around.
I experienced the same as far as communication. I filled out the contact form and called 3-5x daily for 2 days with no answer or call back to the only message I left and finally did get a reply to my contact form with what the expected wait time was/is. I suspect it’s just growing pains which are to be expected with a newer business with a great product but the lack of communication won’t help things with them at all. Fortunately the product is amazing so it can override the lack of response, for the time being anyway. It is sad that heads can’t be had right now as I need some more myself but it is what it is and we can only hope that production can pick up over the next year and the communication can match. Heads are without question the best fixed head I’ve ever shot in every way.
Same thing here ,ordered on the 11th, no shipping response so I emailed on the 14th, got a response on the 14th saying the two week deal. I replied that wasn't going to work for me hunting early season and asked to cancel if there was no chance I was getting them before the 25th and gave gotten no reply since. It should really be on the website that it's two weeks out. Poor customer service .

When I ordered something and get a automated reply saying we getting your order ready to ship it should give you some idea of the current lead time.
For the past year and a half we have been able to fill orders within a day and respond to questions very quickly. In the last few weeks orders have been overwhelming to say the least, coming in much faster than we could fill. Once we got about 5 days behind, calls and emails exploded to the point our staff couldn't keep up with them. We have tried to respond to everyone, but I'm sure we have missed some.

On 8/13 we announced vented broadheads are in back order until 9/1 on the website. We will keep the banner at the top of the SHOP page updated with expected shipping times. (S-Series broadheads are currently 5-7 days, but this should improve by end of next week) We have added people and increased the build of all parts to address this and be better prepared going forward.

I apologize that we did not set expectations on our website sooner. It took us a while to quantify the extent of the problem and figure out timing. It was our first time experiencing this kind of volume. While painful, we have learned from our mistake and are implementing many improvements from this. We still plan to keep our 100% manual assembly and quality checks including edge inspection under magnification, weight check, alignment, and spin test.

We have added two people for technical questions and you can email them at: [email protected]
For order questions, use the contact us form or call 970-776-5022 and leave a message.
If you are not getting a response within a day and need an answer, you can contact me directly at the email below.

Bill Vanderheyden
Owner - Lead Engineer
[email protected]
Just got mine last week- they are a work of art. I appreciate your attention to detail and craftsmanship, it is rare these days

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
For the past year and a half we have been able to fill orders within a day and respond to questions very quickly. In the last few weeks orders have been overwhelming to say the least, coming in much faster than we could fill. Once we got about 5 days behind, calls and emails exploded to the point our staff couldn't keep up with them. We have tried to respond to everyone, but I'm sure we have missed some.

On 8/13 we announced vented broadheads are in back order until 9/1 on the website. We will keep the banner at the top of the SHOP page updated with expected shipping times. (S-Series broadheads are currently 5-7 days, but this should improve by end of next week) We have added people and increased the build of all parts to address this and be better prepared going forward.

I apologize that we did not set expectations on our website sooner. It took us a while to quantify the extent of the problem and figure out timing. It was our first time experiencing this kind of volume. While painful, we have learned from our mistake and are implementing many improvements from this. We still plan to keep our 100% manual assembly and quality checks including edge inspection under magnification, weight check, alignment, and spin test.

We have added two people for technical questions and you can email them at: [email protected]
For order questions, use the contact us form or call 970-776-5022 and leave a message.
If you are not getting a response within a day and need an answer, you can contact me directly at the email below.

Bill Vanderheyden
Owner - Lead Engineer
[email protected]

Very good to hear about the changes. I commend you for doing what you can to meet customer needs. I've been in the manufacturing and tooling industry for 27 years and with start ups there are always growing pains. I would expect you guys to be able to handle the demand much better in the future.

Thank you for the update here and on the website. It is a great product.
Just a quick FYI, when you store these heads make sure you put a silica packet or two in with them. I left three sitting on some foam and they showed some rust spots.
I think we should all know when ordering a valuable piece of equipment 2 weeks before a hunt that we might not get it. Dang. Give Bill a break. If its that important maybe order sooner don't ya think.
Sounds like a good problem to have Bill!

I believe people's frustrations should be focused inwards in the sense they waited till last minute to order equipment as essential as broad heads. Not to mention from a grassroots company who makes their product by hand to ensure quality. These things are not cranked out in China, you're not Walmart, however you're being held to that standard of production. There's always some growing pains in the beginning but I imagine you'll have the kinks worked out by next season. Looking forward to shooting Iron Wills this year.

Btw bring back those Kryptek V Series, I want one!