Iron Will Broadheads


Dec 22, 2023
I have pretty much decided that I will spend the money and use the Iron Will Broadheads next year, but before I buy them I want to get some reviews from some people that have actually used them. I am leaning towards the wides or single bevel.
I really like the standard vented with a bleeder. The double bevel is sharper than the single bevel.

The wides did not fly well for me.

I have used them with success on a number of big animals- Cape buffalo, water buffalo, musk ox, brown bear, moose.

Of course they will work on smaller game, but may be overkill (from a price point and penetration view) on your standard deer sized game (I prefer a mechanical for those anyway)
Personally I'd stick with the 100 grain heads - smaller surface area. Single or double bevel - take your pick
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I shoot 150grain Single Bevel Buffs. I found them to fly just like my field points, though I do take the time to bare shaft & nock tune. I killed a nice bull with them last year.
Oh yeah... and adding on- Even the ones I use for practice are sharp enough to cut the bejesus out of you without you even feeling it. I still touch up the edge on them once a week during the season... you can just about bleed from looking at them too hard.
SB150's with bleeder and Left Helical for me

Easy to sharpen back to life. Hit them with a little oil when storing for the off season. The case for them is totally worth it. be careful when you get them new scary sharp out of the box.
It is your money spend it however you want. Don't expect anything from their lifetime warrantee. Had a bleeder loose on a 100 solid. Sent them a video, was told don't worry about it. I drank the IW kool aid, but have gone back to the slick trick and QAD heads.
I have been happy with my S125 set. I only use them for elk and killed a bull last year with one. Arrow went 40 yards after going through the bull.

I've had similar performances on animals with cheaper 2 blade heads. The difference I noticed was the heads were much duller after going through an animal compared to the IW. but both worked and killed the animal.

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No complaints with my IW so far. 3 seasons using them. I did buy some that ended up not working for my set-up by that was my fault.
Shoot wide 125's. They're vented. V3X at 70 lbs. They shoot fine out to 60 and after 60 the only difference from my field points is they simply lose velocity faster than field points so you just have to build your sight tape using inputs from them and not field points. Shot a bull this past fall at 52 yards, piled up within 200 yards in sight, but there was solid blood where he ran, as good as any broadhead I've killed elk with. These things stay sharp for the whole september. Cheaper heads dull out as you go through the month with them riding in the quiver through rain snow sleet and all the jostling of the miles on your pack or in your hand. Iron will's stay sharp through it all.
I’ve been using the SB 100 grain with bleeders since they came out and the regular double bevel for a couple years before that great head they fly good and do the job. The QAD heads are just as good imo and cheaper but they chew up a target in no time.

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I’ve used both the 100gr S with bleeders and the 100gr wide with bleeders. They’ve worked well for me. I found them easy the tune. The regular S are easier to tune due to the size, but the wides were shooting good out to 60-70 yares.

The only downside is the 100gr wides are bit loud due to the vents. I also agree they can be a bit of overkill for smaller animals. I’ve shot several deer with them and sometimes have a hard time finding the arrow after the shot. I’ve also got them stuck in tree roots, which is a pain to remove.

I opted for the 100gr to play around with inserts and collars to get my optimal weight.
Honestly, and I am a gear hoarder that spends ridiculous amounts on it, I don't see the point in paying the prices for those heads. I've done it and found nothing they did better than many other heads and some things I prefer from other manufacturers.

They don't fly better than a slick trick or grim reaper. They don't penetrate better. They corrode if not protected. They are just as prone to destruction if hitting off and going into the dirt or rocks. Cut is relatively small.

Yes they are super sharp. Yes, they are manufactured amazingly well. They are presented nicely. They are truly great heads. They just don't, in my opinion, stand head and shoulders over others in any specific category.

I've decided to go with the Evolution heads this year. They are a bit pricey as well, but bigger cut, modular, made of great steel, sharp, and fly as good or better than any head I've tried.

Iron Will will definitely be a great head for you if you go that route, I just never caught the bug with them. I certainly tried.
Honestly, and I am a gear hoarder that spends ridiculous amounts on it, I don't see the point in paying the prices for those heads. I've done it and found nothing they did better than many other heads and some things I prefer from other manufacturers.

They don't fly better than a slick trick or grim reaper. They don't penetrate better. They corrode if not protected. They are just as prone to destruction if hitting off and going into the dirt or rocks. Cut is relatively small.

Yes they are super sharp. Yes, they are manufactured amazingly well. They are presented nicely. They are truly great heads. They just don't, in my opinion, stand head and shoulders over others in any specific category.

I've decided to go with the Evolution heads this year. They are a bit pricey as well, but bigger cut, modular, made of great steel, sharp, and fly as good or better than any head I've tried.

Iron Will will definitely be a great head for you if you go that route, I just never caught the bug with them. I certainly tried.
There’s some people on here who are going to need a safe space after reading this lol
Single bevel left solid 125's with bleeders perform great, and fly like field points to ~70 yards.

Single bevel left solid wide 150's with bleeders perform even better in my opinion. Same penetration with bigger cut, and fly like field points out to ~60 yards.

I'd stay away from vented, they are very loud!
Stand behind a target and have a friend shoot solid vs vented with same fletchings (aae max stealth) and you can hear a large difference.
There’s some people on here who are going to need a safe space after reading this lol
I’m sure. It’s definitely not intended as a rip on IW products. I just feel at that price point they should be head and shoulders better than a pack of three for $50.

I will spend whatever it takes to have the best. New bows every year, a kit of Swarovski glass, up to three Kifaru Ark packs now, etc. I really hoped these heads would be it.
I bought some. Haven’t used them in the field enough to say for sure if they work but I suspect they will do the job. They fly a bit different than my go to muzzy trocars.
You won’t be disappointed. They do fly great (IF your bow is tuned) I’ve shot them for 6 years. I’ve screwed them on and had them miss the target as well as hit the bullseye. Depending on if my bow was in or out of tune. I’ve killed dozens of whitetails with many different heads, they all died. But the sharpness of IW is very impressive. They leave blood shot meat like a rifle. Second photo, you can see it under the first layer. If you do your part, they won’t let you down. Now you stick one through the guts, no promises. They are very subjective to corrosion. You will want to oil them before going in your quiver, try not to carry your quiver to act as a bucket in a rain storm. I’ve found carrying it right side up and not letting that foam fill with water has really helped. Pictures are elk, bear, mule deer, all with iron will, vented, solid, single bevel.




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I was shooting iron will wide vented for a while, they were durable heads but I noticed a lot of noise in flight. I eventually switched to qad exodus pros because I couldn't justify the price of the iron wills. Check out Lusk Archery Adventures on youtube and you'll find reviews of some other great broadheads as well.