Bit of Trivia I learn from a former co-worker that visited Ireland:
RE: Bushmills vs. Jameson
As you know parts of Ireland are Catholic and Parts are I guess Protestant. So anyway, apparently you need to mindful about which side of town you're on in regard to which whiskey you ask for in a bar. Because apparently one of them is run buy a Catholic owned business and the other is owned by Protestants... and apparently locals can get real testy if you try to order the wrong thing on the wrong side of town!
Like 'em both. But I lean toward Bushmill's. For some reason it has the least hangover type effects of any alcohol I've ever tried. And I'm supposing heredity may play some part in that because I think my maternal Grandmothers maiden name denoted Irish descent, as I recall. So got to thinking that could totally make sense since they'd no doubt strive to make what they thought was the best. And if our innards are similar genetically, stands to reason that could be why their spirits sit well with me.
Just had a thought, how about the idea of getting your friend a high grade bottle of Absinthe? Quality Absinthe is very pleasant. And I like the ritual of pouring it thru the sugarcube on the special spoon and then lighting the sugarcube on fire to caramelize it, and once the cube is visible breaking down you then pour the smallish amount of cool water over-it/thru-it it as it sits upon that special spoon, then ya swirl it all and the partially melted sugar evenly disburses into the solution. Not to mention the fact that Absinthes are usually a high proof too!