IPhone 15 or In reach ....

Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but I don't want my camera, alarm clock, GPS/maps, and emergency device all rolled into one. Phone also tend to be in places they can be dropped or lost or broken easily, whereas you can stuff an InReach down inside of your pack.

One failure and you're in some real trouble real quick. I think there will always be a good argument for having an independent emergency device.
I'm ehh Android for so I'm not that committed to the conversation.

You do make a good point about putting all your eggs in one basket as it were. I'm usually a tad worried about having a dead battery or worse crushed phone. So having searate systems to track your location and at least SOS is a real advantage.
Well I solved the problem by buying both . Verizon had promotion on the Iphone 15 Pro and I bought a Garmin 67 I . Now if I can just figure out how to use it , LOL