Insight on new kifaru frame?

brocksw nailed it. I should have just said that I shortened the shoulder straps. The video Aron posted is very helpful .
Just got my 24" and love it. I remember someone asking anout a meat shelf upper attachment solution but cant find it. Anybody know how to deal with this?

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I was wondering the exact same thing. Anyone have insight on this? Seems like the attachment point at the bottom would carry too low using a grab-it or meat shelf

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I'm going to try out the cargo panel for meat pack out. I have attached it under my pack bag to see how that fits and it would work fine. I also have the attachment points figured out and can just carry it in the pack till needed all though it does add a little extra weight either way.
No comparisons with the EXO and Lite yet? Specifically with the ability to move and twist, like the EXO can do? Something the duplex cannot do as well.

From the images it looks as if there would be some more mobility because there is no frame sheet causing that resistance, but hard to tell how much?
I own an exo and I had a new ultralight frame, but I ultimately returned it. The new ultralight does flex very well, but it is vertically ridged and very stable. It also has very little "barrelling" effect. Felt great on the back overall.
I will chime in on the EXO vs Kifaru Lite thing. This is my personal observation in obviously limited use since the Kifaru Lite is relatively new. And again packs are like everything else, what works for one may not work for another. Someone might find things to be just the opposite as I find them to be, and that's all well and good.

EXO-Very comfortable under light loads (sub 25lbs), it has a softer fell with more rotational flex and moves and rotates well. At 40lbs I have serious issues with it sliding down my rear end, badly. I really want to love the EXO for some reason, I just can keep it up. I'm guessing part of my issue with it may be the softness of the lumbar pad, just a guess though. Does not barrel.

Kifaru Lite-Doesn't have the soft comfy feel of the EXO (not that it's uncomfortable, just comparing). Less rotational flex than the EXO (good or bad? preference I guess). It doesn't slide down my rear, (WIN for me, even the Duplex Hunter wanted to slide on me). It feels more stable than the EXO. I set the two frames on the floor in a vertical position back to back, the Kifaru 24" is just a smidge taller that the EXO (advertised at 25").

My personal observations.
Thanks Squirrel. Great feedback.

If you had to quantify the "rotational flex" of the two. And assume EXO is 100% what would you rate the Lite at? Of all things considered the rotation and movement is what I am looking for. My duplex moves like I have a piece of plywood on my back when I bend, twist, turn, shoot my bow, etc. Which is great for spot and talk hunts (ie the pack comes off) but not for still hunting with the pack on.
I haven’t tried an Exo, but I had the Duplex Tactical. It was rigid. It had aluminum stays and felt like a metal plate on my back. I never really loaded it up, just basic comfort type feel. I’m sure the pack can handle more than I want to pack.

The tactical light is very comfortable moves with me well. I haven’t shot my bow with it, but don’t foresee problems. I will test out more over the summer. I have a separate thread on my setup. I’ve only had about 35 pounds in it, but I like it so far.

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How is the new frame compared to say, an internal framed timberline? It's nice to not feel like a board is strapped to your back.

I've always preferred how the internal framed Kifaru packs have felt as far as comfort goes.
I have the original Timberline internal frame, and a new Duplex Lite. The lite does feel a bit more rigid due to the frame sheet. The lumbar pad also feels more substantial. I wasn't sure I liked it at first compared to the T1. But, after packing it and adjusting the suspension a bit, I've decided I prefer it (except the weight gain). What I've found is that the comfort difference is non-existent up to 40 pounds. Beyond that, the heavier you go, the more the Lite shines. The stiffness is not restrictive whatsoever, and it feels more connected to your body. Some guys act like they couldn't tie their shoes or turn sideways, let alone draw their bow, with some packs. It's kind of silly.

The Duplex lite is a great blend of comfort, durability, and versatility (and ventilation). As a sidenote, changing the torso length on the Lite takes a FRACTION of the time that the old T1 did. It also "stands up" better on its own, due to the frame sheet structure. Love it!
Everybody is different. But, I too wander what the fuss is about the rigidity of a pack. It is t like you can’t function. Loosen the shoulder straps if you aren’t getting enough twisting freedom. I welcome lateral rigidity. It makes carrying g stuff pretty easy. Snug the load lifters enough to stabilize the load and go. On heavy loads, relieve the shoulders with the load lifters and go. It really doesn’t get any easier then that. And, you don’t get that option with a floppy pack that makes gymnastic moves possible.
I'll say this I had the duplex lite with a cavern bag and sent it back as my initial thought was it felt to stiff. I sent it back and ordered an Exo 5500 and it definitely moves with you and has a softer feel with 0- 30lbs. Once i loaded it up with weight over 60lbs the pack kept slipping, putting more weight on my shoulders than I desire. So, I sent the Exo back and re-ordered the same Kifaru with lite frame and cavern bag. I will take a stiffer feel with lighter loads than have the pack slip under heavy loads. Both are great packs, but for me the deal breaker was I seemed to not be able to keep the weight off my shoulders due to slipping. There are some small details as they relate to quality that the Kifaru has as well. the webbing, webbing handle, stitching, and buckles seem to be of higher quality; however, both have a life time warranty so it really is a personal preference.
Some guys like stiff soles and some need more flex. Sure you could walk in stiff soles and they will get you to where you need to be....but why be uncomfortable?

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For those who cannot seem to grasp why, I will gladly explain my specific situation leading me to want more freedom of movement than not.

I live and hunt in California. I hunt deer from the second week of July until the end of October (although usually tag out before than), bear and pig in the winter or until bear closes. I have hunted out of state for elk a few times and deer a few times, but that is not normal.

I hunt 90% of my hunts with my pack on my back still hunting the woods with a bow in hand. In the NF I hunt there is no spot and stalk hunting. It is still hunting and having tried to move in and around trees, brush, etc stiff frames are a constant pain in the butt.

I totally see how elk hunters calling elk to them can hunt with a stiff frame on there back, or spot and talk hunters. When I have used my Duplex it was on these kinds of hunts.

I don't think anyone is questioning the load carrying capabilities of the Kifaru. In order to carry those loads you got to be stiff. I posted above asking about the movement because back in 2015 or 2016 Aron said on a podcast that they have been working on a frame to increase flexing by 5% while only giving up load carrying by maybe 1%. I am curious if this is the pack he was referring to and if in fact for those who have used a very flexing pack (EXO) what they felt about comparing the two.
The guys that want a little more flex in a frame should be buying the ultralight vs the lite frame.

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I had the same slipping issue with my Exo K2, felt amazing with <35 lbs but any higher than that it was a real issue. I felt like i had to keep tightening the waste belt, to the point my hips were bruised on one of my hunts. I wanted to love it so badly. I ordered a Duplex Lite and its a world of difference. The waste belt on the Kifaru is a huge improvement over the Exo. I really liked the bag design on the Exo though, limited me to only taking what I need. Now I have the Reckoning and I pack up and have extra room so I just start throwing random shit in it that I don't need...
I had the same slipping issue with my Exo K2, felt amazing with <35 lbs but any higher than that it was a real issue. I felt like i had to keep tightening the waste belt, to the point my hips were bruised on one of my hunts. I wanted to love it so badly. I ordered a Duplex Lite and its a world of difference. The waste belt on the Kifaru is a huge improvement over the Exo. I really liked the bag design on the Exo though, limited me to only taking what I need. Now I have the Reckoning and I pack up and have extra room so I just start throwing random shit in it that I don't need...

Yup basically same experience.
I had the same slipping issue with my Exo K2, felt amazing with <35 lbs but any higher than that it was a real issue. I felt like i had to keep tightening the waste belt, to the point my hips were bruised on one of my hunts. I wanted to love it so badly. I ordered a Duplex Lite and its a world of difference. The waste belt on the Kifaru is a huge improvement over the Exo. I really liked the bag design on the Exo though, limited me to only taking what I need. Now I have the Reckoning and I pack up and have extra room so I just start throwing random shit in it that I don't need...

Why not run the EXO bag of your choice on the Kifaru frame? They pair up perfectly.