Inreach on outside of pack. Why?

Mine definitely stays tucked in to my bino pouch, corded to a strap. I also don’t understand why you would have it out and exposed. It texts just fine in the pocket.
I see a lot of pics of hunter’s who wear their Inreach/other satellite messaging device on the outside of their pack. Sometimes on their bino harness. I’m curious as to why? I carry one on every one of my hikes and always keep it in the pack.

Are people texting and hiking/hunting?

Tracking to post miles walked etc later?

Just seems like a good way to scratch it up or possibly lose it. Not a big deal in the lower 48 but could be serious issue in AK.
I keep mine on my bino harness as a safety device, not for communicating.

If I get injured, it’s much easier to SOS on my harness than tucked away in a pack somewhere.
Because in case of serious injury, I might not be able to get into my pack to use it. And/or my pack could have gotten separated from me in the fall or whatever happened for me to need the InReach in the first place.

Plus sometimes it has a hard enough time getting a signal through heavy overcast skies, and being in the pack doesn't help that.
That would be a serious injury no doubt. So you hike/hunting with yours on? I was curious about that.

Yes, although the new models are supposed to still have the SOS work even when it's off.
The areas I hike and hunt, the most common case of needing to use an InReach would be if I've fallen off a cliff or slid and am stuck in a rock or tree or shrub, or I've had a tree or rocks pin me down.

Edit-- or I'm burried in snow/ice and can't move fully (noted the skiiing example above).
In side pocket of my bunk harness tethered to the harness. I have a screen protector on it.

Very important reasons for this:
1. It is readily accessible should I need SOS button.
2. Should something happen to me and I’m unable to activate SOS, it is sending tracking every 10 minutes so the search radius for SAR will be massively smaller.
3. I can receive text passively from my wife if there is an emergency.

Leaving it tucked away in a pack is a big mistake IMO.
Makes sense in your situation. What finally made me post this was a friend found one while backcountry skiing yesterday. Looks like it came unclipped. When he went to post it on the skiing forum he already saw a post from the person that lost it.
I took the clip off so it would fit in my KUIU Bino harness side pocket. Use the tether strap. That’s the only secure way to carry it unless you get a special case.
That’s what I initially thought but if it’s that catastrophic of an injury hopefully your Inreach isn’t damaged. Will an emergency come up that quick you need to hit the SOS right away?
There’s lots of catastrophic injuries that might not destroy your Garmin.

I hope an emergency never comes up that I need it at all, but I’d rather have it.

And as much as I know the rules, I’ve dropped a back before for stalks.
In case I get bit in the face by a rattler while climbing up a shale bluff and my eyes swell shut, causing temporary blindness leaving me to feably reach around trying to smash the sos button on my chest rather than try to dig I guess.
I have explorer+ and hang it on my pack bag. Can’t see it, but the carabiner has never let me down. I don’t really touch the inreach all day. All messaging through phone app.
I keep mine on my pack's left shoulder strap. If I fall and get impaled or otherwise jacked up, it's reachable with my right hand. Or, if your buddy stabs himself, you don't have to dig for it.

I also clip it to my waders when I duck hunt the Platte River.

I always find it kind of tricky to get it unclipped, so I have no concern about losing it.

Exo is making a little pouch for it to go on their new packs' shoulder straps.
It’s NEVER a good idea to leave your pack behind
You must not archery hunt much.
I’m a little surprised how many of you think the 5 secs to get it out of the pack is a deal breaker 🤣
Taking off your pack, fumbling around in a pocket to pull out the device takes you 5 seconds? Even if you know where it's located in the pack, you still have to take off your pack. Unless it's in a belt pocket, but I suspect that's not what you nare alluding towards.
Never thought of needing it in a split second emergency. I actually rarely text on the device itself, I use garmin Earthmate on my phone that Bluetooth’s to the in-reach in my pack. Much easier to text and communicate, get weather etc.. Phone is always handy as I use for maps. But I may rethink when I am out solo and keep it in my bino case.