My wife bought it for me for Xmas. Have used it on 2 weekend adventures. I like it so far no complaints. Very easy to use with the app on your phone. Able to communicate back & forth with my wife & sons while on a 2 day overnight icefishing trip to flaming gorge. Left unit on for whole trip & never went below 60% in single digit Temps even. I really think this unit will be with me every where I go now. Gives you weather updates based on nearest county/city which is real nice to. While playing around with it sitting on ice waiting for fish to bite, the app is fairly easy to navigate & if I wanted i could send messages to any one in my contacts. With all that said I've never owned a sat unit but its so much better than my buddy's SPOT unit. Definitely glad I have it. As a stroke (46 yr old) survivor my family is grateful I have this in case of any emergencies & to check in cuz I will not stop adventuring into the back country!
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