inReach account set-up, not for me (continue reading for try #2 success)

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
12/1/19. Update. After sending this first unit back, I ordered another one. It worked flawlessly. So make sure you jump to the end of the thread before you make a decision on buying one. The second one hasn’t skipped a beat. Seems that first one must’ve been defective.

Original post:
I was totally pumped to finally make the leap from one-way/SOS messaging on my Spot, to two-way messaging.

Five years ago, my father-in-law died when I was in the back country, nobody could get a hold of me. I felt pretty bad when I got out and found out everybody was trying to reach me. However cash was still tight so I didn’t make the jump to two-way. I just tried make sure to call my wife as often as I could in the event I had cell service Instead of just sending her a spot one-way every day,and it worked pretty well for the last few years.

I finally got to the point financially I could justify the two-way, Plus where I’m hunting this year doesn’t even have cell service on the 10,000 foot peaks. So me and my wife were really excited. I hunted with Jordan Budd last week, and she had the Explorer, and man was it nice to be able to check in and make sure everything was OK at home.

I had six days between hunts, (I read several of the reviews on Rokslide, and nobody indicated that that wasn’t enough time to make the leap) so when I got home I got on the email with Rob at S&S archery to get one coming. We decided the mini inReach was for me. I’m leaving Friday, ordered it Monday (paid full price) with next day shipping and got it Tuesday. The mini is sweet, fits in your palm.

I read the instruction booklet cover to cover, charged the mini overnight. And then this morning jumped on their website to buy three months worth of the plan. I was excited because you could just go month-to-month, so I was going to pre-pay for three months.

I entered everything that it asked for, including my credit card. I approved it for $195 charge, more than enough for three months. Then it would not let me proceed. “All fields must be completed” is all it would give me. I went over every page with a fine tooth comb, every field was complete.

Logged out, logged in and tried it again. same thing. Emailed Rob, who answered me within three minutes. He said someone else was having that problem a few days ago, and to just log back in in a bit and try it. So I did that, and didn’t even get as far as I did the first time before it locked up. I searched all over their site and finally found two phone numbers. I tried them both, one of them gave me a message that they are no longer offering instant phone support, but to leave a message and they would call me back. I’m not gonna play phone tag with someone I just gave 500 bucks to, so I didn’t leave a voicemail. The other number said that they could take an email at some address he rattled off, of which I didn’t even bother to write down.

So it’s bye-bye Garmin. I don’t have time to fiddle fart around waiting on their stupid website... And if paying over $500 for an item/plan is not enough for them to put someone on the phone with me, they can kiss my ass.

I’ve got it boxed up and headed back. I’m even paying shipping although Rob offered, but it’s not S&S Archery’s fault. It’s Garmins, pure and simple.

I’m so pissed off I could scream. A multi-million dollar company dominating the two-way communications world, and they can’t even build a freaking website that can take my money. That’s the easy part!!!!!!!

Now I know some of you are gonna log on here and say “I didn’t have any problem“. I get that, but if these companies wanna dominate, like Apple has, they got to make streamlined experiences that anyone can run, or have the support to back it without sucking up their customers’ time.

So there’s my review on Garmin’s website= IT SUCKS! Would love to have reviewed the mini, but that’s not gonna happen this year.

(Oh, and @Ryan Avery, the force is with me)

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Yep, I wanted to change my plan. I ended up calling my credit card company and cutting them off. So far I got a second notice from them via email. I am still waiting for them to call me, my phone I answer. But, I am not holding my breath.
I second the motion. Crap products with crap support. I kept mine too long hoping it would get easier to use. Wrong.
Ive had mine now for 3 years and although setting it up sucks its well worth it to be able to communicate with home. It would sure suck to find out your wife needed you again this year and it wasnt because of your pocketbook you couldnt talk to here it was because you didnt want to take the extra time.
Give it to her before sending it back i bet she would put in the time to get it going. Because she is going to be the one nervous as hell or worried to death somethings wrong.
Sorry i dont have your back on this one put in the time its the least you can due for your wife kids and family.
Suck it up until their is a better alternative. Maybe their site was down trying to make your experience better. It took me 20min. To navigate it the first time but well worth it to my family.
thats how their customer service rolls. Been down that road with them on a couple of products!
I bought the Garmin 66i this year and found it very easy to set up and buy a plan online and get it activated. After my hunt I just went back online and suspended my account until next year. Took me less then 5 mins to set the thing up. Where was you having the problems at ? Calling Garmin sucks though I found out of you have a problem. They will keep you on hold for over an hour from my experiences in the past so I try and not have to call them anymore and just try to figure it out myself.
Hopefully you won’t need it on a trip. I would rather have customer service related issues, then performance related issues in the field.
Weird I called Garmin and had it setup in about ten minutes total. Wife loved it this year when I was out of reach and the weather updates were awesome and way better than other services. All my buddy’s that were hunting with me this year are planning on buying one now. I bought Garmin SE from Costco for $289
My biggest trouble with our two in reach devices we got this year was getting it out of the box. My wife had the first set up before I had the second opened up. I needed support from Garmin this past week after I was having trouble with my Alpha unit, they tried calling me at work three times before I was able to take their call and are replacing the unit that is a little bit past the warranty phase. I'm hoping our hunting this year has this much luck.
thats how their customer service rolls. Been down that road with them on a couple of products!

Good advice but I’m outta time. It’s this trip I needed it for, the other three months were for convenience . All the trips after this have some cell service. If there site was down, it’s been down for days as Rob confirmed another guy was having problems.

Maybe next year

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Sounds like a rush job that didn't go quite right so lets crap all over the company instead of taking a little responsibility. Why even pay for 3 month's? Why not just set up the plan and let them pull the monthly off the CC that way if your done using it in a month you can suspend the unit? Guess you don't feel to bad about your father in laws death or you would have taken a deep breath, slowed down and figured things out.
Sounds like a rush job that didn't go quite right so lets crap all over the company instead of taking a little responsibility. Why even pay for 3 month's? Why not just set up the plan and let them pull the monthly off the CC that way if your done using it in a month you can suspend the unit? Guess you don't feel to bad about your father in laws death or you would have taken a deep breath, slowed down and figured things out.

I spent an hour and a half not including the time to read the reviews to make sure I wasn’t missing something. Took a lot of deep breaths too

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Sounds like a rush job that didn't go quite right so lets crap all over the company instead of taking a little responsibility. Why even pay for 3 month's? Why not just set up the plan and let them pull the monthly off the CC that way if your done using it in a month you can suspend the unit? Guess you don't feel to bad about your father in laws death or you would have taken a deep breath, slowed down and figured things out.

Whoops, hit button to soon. And I did try the other payment options where they could just bill me monthly, same results.

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my experience was different and we had a really complicated situation- I traded a full size inReach for Mini from a forum member here, each of us had our own devices and plans and needed to swap them

they had never done this before, but with a single phone call they got both accounts setup with the correct devices

I can't tell you how many times the ability to send and receive texts in the backcountry have been; I haven't had to use their customer service except that one time, so can only base it on that one instance- but the device itself has performed flawlessly