I saw them at the expo too and really liked the bags but wasn't a fan of the carbon frames. Hopefully someone has tried one in the field to say if the frame is good or not.
Looks like a nice Pack but man what a tough market to try and break into right now. I don't see anything in that pack that would get me to buy one especially being so new and being priced up there with the big names. I made that mistake once. (Ie buying a brand new pack to market and I paid dearly for it).
I talked a bit with the founder at the expo. I also thought the bags borrowed heavily from the Exo bags with a few slight changes. They’re made in Boise as well. Good on them for starting a company, but like others have said it’s a tough market especially when you’re the same price range as an Exo. And the Exo has been far more tested and proven.
The frame also felt super stiff and the belt was a bit weird to me (just from trying it on at the expo).
I talked with these guys at the Expo a bit and put on one of the packs. The packs seemed very stout. When I talked with one of the guys the first day of the show, he said that was their first day actually selling product after a few years of development. That being the case, it might be very hard to find anyone with actual experience using them, outside of the guys in the company itself.
Its nice to have options, but man they are going to have a tough road at that price point. If you look only at the weights, they are heavier than a SG Sky 5900 with X-curve frame, but still cost almost as much. I don't know anyone who would take a chance on a new product when they are only saving $40
This pack seems very very very close to the EXO. Too close in design. Agree as well on the frame. It felt pretty stiff. More so than the SG Xcurve. But honestly thought it was an EXO bag at first....and second glance. But always glad to see new Gear out there.