In search for a new pack

Not that it hasn’t been said, but the Exo Mountain Gear K4 can’t be beat. The bags are interchangeable so you can get as big or as small of a bag as you need. They’re durable as hell and are the most comfortable fitting bag I’ve ever used. Oh and they have stellar customer service
Ran mystery ranch for 13 years and was very happy with it and the beating I put it through. I bought a Initial ascent last month and this pack rides and fits me way better and quite a bit lighter
Absaroka from Kifaru worked great for me this year in colorado. Its lighter than a lot of Kifaru packs. Can hold tripod in side pouches has straps for a bow and can hold a rifle.
Just remember if you buy used to make sure the manufacturer will warranty it, believe both Exo and Stone Glacier will, not sure about Initial Ascent, Kifaru will not. Look for options that you think you’ll like, we all have different perspectives.

I have ran Exo, Stone Glacier and Kifaru, liked them all.

Checkout the backpacking section as well.
I have an initial ascent and it's great. The frame is pretty stiff but the heavier to get the pack the more comfortable it gets. It is also very modular. You can put different size packs on the same frame. Just my 2 cents
I wouldn't over look KUIU. I have packed some pretty have loads with mine over the last 8 years. Been a great pack and I would buy it again. Plus with interchangeable bags i have one for day hunting and a larger for backpack hunts or backpacking in general.
Not that it hasn’t been said, but the Exo Mountain Gear K4 can’t be beat. The bags are interchangeable so you can get as big or as small of a bag as you need. They’re durable as hell and are the most comfortable fitting bag I’ve ever used. Oh and they have stellar customer service
I agree 100%
I have a stone glacier and really like it too. Although I've always wondered if I'd like some of the accessibility options of the Exo packs that I feel like are a little lacking on the SG.

I'd agree with a post above that mentioned trying a few a packs on your back. The packs/frames are all adjustable but I do feel like some sit better than others. Good luck on the search!
I never ran with mine, but I suppose one could. I use a Kuiu that’s been pretty good. As mentioned, bags interchange quickly and easily. Hauls a fair amount when needed.

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I bought a K4 7200 on the day it came out.
Used it a ton backcountry camping with the family, also packed out 2 bull elk, a bear and a mule deer so far.
Handles like a dream, I've never had any issues. Miles better than the competitor pack I used to have.
I’d go with Exo simply because you know what you are getting with their customer service and quality. It’s still a small business 100% focused on the product. Stone Glacier has been purchased and is pushing all kinds of product now. That business model typically ends up poorly in terms of quality of the product as they look to cut costs and increase margins. Although to be fair I haven’t heard or seen anything like that on here. Kifaru also seems to be undergoing some changes and in the last few years it seems like there are more concerns voiced on here about their customer service.

Personally, I had a Kifaru and an Exo K4 that I tried back and forth over a summer. I stayed with the K4. It felt less bulky, and it’s lighter without sacrificing quality or performance. I also tried a used Stone Glacier SkyArcher at one point. I can't really explain why, but it never felt great for me.

I think a lot of it is personal preference driven by body type and what type of features get you excited. There have never been more quality options available and frankly it’s probably splitting hairs. I’m sure you’d be happy with anything from any of the companies mentioned in this thread.
Love my SG sky archer bag seeing all these posts about the Exo, I will look into them out of curiosity but man the SG fits well I love the lumbar and ability to access the whole bag from the front zipper. The last thing I would want is a bag that only opens from top but that's matter of opinion. Good luck!!
I started with Kuiu. I had the ultra frame, suspension and bag. Used that for a year or two then upgraded the the pro suspension and it was an improvement.

Eventually wanted to try something different and went to a Stone Glacier X-Curve and bag. I worked with customer service to get it all set up right. They sent me straight stays to try instead of the curved. All parts of the customer service were fantastic. I have been using it for last few years for both hiking and hunting and love it!
I've been using a Seek Outside for close to 10 years. It seems like they've dropped in popularity, but I haven't found a reason to switch. It can truly handle as much weight as you throw at it. I don't think you can go wrong with Exo, Stone Glacier, Kifaru etc. Well worth the investment. As soon as you use a "high end" pack you'll only wish you had gotten it sooner!
Do EXO packs ever go on sale? I'm not in a big hurry for a new one but am thinking of switching before this fall.
Do EXO packs ever go on sale? I'm not in a big hurry for a new one but am thinking of switching before this fall.
They have a black friday sell that you have to jump on right away. I started with a cheap pack and then bought an original exo. Talk about a step up! I have used it for a long time and packed out a lot of stuff. I love how it handles weight, packs down so small and perfectly utilitarian. I just bought the K4 this year on the black friday deal but haven't hauled anything out with it yet.
Exo K4 5000. I had a MR Metcalf just like someone else mentioned. Packed elk out with both. Exo night and day difference. The k4 accessories options and molle system make it customizable.