Lol so you would rather have 50% of the farmers go bankrupt in a bad year rather than get bailed out with insurance. Because that's what most of the "subsidies" are.
Not going to argue on crp as I have many needs with that whole thing, I would vote to end it just as I would vote to get the gov completely out of ag and abolish the USDA.
Lots of people making payments on things, that's how farmers go bankrupt
The number of people that farm has dwindled significantly because lots of people going broke and others not being able to afford to buy out siblings shares etc. If I were to buy my parents farm lock stock and barrel I would need 5-6 million and it's one of the smallest farms in the county.
Yep keep bitching about people having a new pickups, I guess we're doing it wrong because I bet 90% of the people on this forum have nicer and newer pickups than we do.
Farming is a complicated world. It varies depending on what part of country you are in, and I will not even come close to explaining it in a forum post. Heck, I have been around it my whole life, and I don't understand half of it.
Are there guys that are struggling to make it every year? Yes.
Are there guys that are making great money? Yes.
I grew up on a farm, my wife grew up on a farm. My Dad farms, brother farms, father-in-law, and brother-in-law farm. Uncles, cousins, etc. Most here run cattle as well, so that is a little different ball game.
In the past, it has not been a glamorous life. Hard work, hot, dirty, long hours, crop failures, livestock dies, etc. The 80's were particularly bad here, with several crop failures and very high interest rates. A number of guys went broke. That was devastating. A lot of other guys were very very close to losing it all.
Government programs:
These are supposed to help keep the poor struggling farmer afloat. What they have really done over time is
inflate the cost of land. Here are a few examples of said programs:
-LDP payments
-CRP programs
-subsidized 1st time farmer loans
-artificially low interest rates for the last 12 years (this is not a program specifically for farmers, but it has contributed to higher land prices)
-heavily subsidized crop insurance
-ethanol mandated in fuel-this drives up corn prices and gives us fuel that clogs up carburetors
-large payments for soybeans during the Trump administration for the tariffs
-a ridiculous amount of money during Covid.
Take away all that money, and land prices would not be nearly this high.
As often happens when the government gets involved in markets....things get all screwed up.
Is every farmer rich? No way-not even close. in our area, it is virtually impossible to start farming on your own, without any help. The startup costs are too high. The guys that are just starting out usually have massive amounts of debt, older equipment that is constantly breaking down, etc. That is a tough road.
What about the guys that inherited lots of land that their grandpa or great-grandpa bought? Yeah, those guys are raking it in.
Yes, some of them act like they can't afford to eat at McDonald's, then smile at you when they pull into the field with a $500,000 combine. I don't know what to say about that-it's the culture.