I'm gonna start being my own bow tech any advice?


Aug 9, 2015
Well, today was the final straw. Pro shop has had my bow for over a week replacing the factory strings/cables. Was supposed to be done on Tuesday. Here it is Friday. In my area, there are 3 different archery shops. I've used all of them over the years. All three are good at what they do, but I always have to stay on their asses to get the work done. They work at their own pace for sure.

Enough venting...I'm interested in doing my own bow work at home. Are there any good vids out there on how to work on modern parallel/beyond parallel limbed bows? Any other info/opinions will be appreciated. I understand the startup cost to buy the equipment needed will be expensive, but that's ok. Would rather do the work myself.\




Dec 7, 2014
North Eastern, WI
Congrats on taking the next step for your own bow!! I've found it pretty rewarding the last few years after also making that choice.

I have the X-Press and it's pretty hard to beat, and they have some nice videos for setup of all types of bows that work well for setup. As far as how to do certain things in particular, I've never found one particular person or website for tutorials the best. Lots of YouTube vids to figure out stuff for me!!

But to be fair, if I'm really stuck or having a problem I can't figure out, my buddy has an archery shop now and has helped me learn too. Mentors have been a wonderful thing when the videos don't seem to be enough at times.

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Mar 19, 2016
camp pendleton, ca
Well, today was the final straw. Pro shop has had my bow for over a week replacing the factory strings/cables. Was supposed to be done on Tuesday. Here it is Friday. In my area, there are 3 different archery shops. I've used all of them over the years. All three are good at what they do, but I always have to stay on their asses to get the work done. They work at their own pace for sure.

Enough venting...I'm interested in doing my own bow work at home. Are there any good vids out there on how to work on modern parallel/beyond parallel limbed bows? Any other info/opinions will be appreciated. I understand the startup cost to buy the equipment needed will be expensive, but that's ok. Would rather do the work myself.\



-I was in your same shoes, I was sick of driving over 45 min to a shop to get sub par service, so I said screw it and took it head on about a year and half ago. Turned an old bench I had into a work station, got a bow vice 40$ eBay, made a diy arrow saw for less than 40$ works fantastic, made a diy draw board less than 35$ works fantastic, and ordered a small portable synumm press 175$ish works fantastic (cable and pulley system). All of it works great for my one man operation. I happened to actually put on a brand new set of strings and cables just an hour ago as matter fact.

-I find most of my instruction on how to do all of this came from john Dudley YouTube videos on his NockOnTv channel. His lengthy videos are awesome and so informative and i highly highly recommend his stuff. Also got a lot of info from the SoleAdventure YouTube channel. That is where I got my inspiration to build a draw board I used his instructions made the same one.

-assuming you already fletch your own arrows but if not I personally use a bitzenburger which I payed I think 90$ for?

-you will feel much better about your rig if it is done by you on your own, you will take a lot more pride in it. It is sad to say but I really feel that if you want it done right do it yourself when it comes to your bow, I wish more shops put forth more effort.

Here are links to the YouTube channels:

- YouTube

- YouTube

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Aug 9, 2015
Thanks for the replies. I already have an arrow cut off saw and a Bitzenberger myself. I need a vice, draw board, and press. I've been looking at the expensive models, but the synunm looks pretty good, is cheaper, and is portable. If it works as good as it looks like it does online, I think I will go that route. Thanks a bunch for the video links. John Dudley does a great job with his vids!!


Jan 25, 2014
I was kinda in the opposite boat in that I started working at an archery shop when I was 15 and worked in shops up through my 20's, so the thought of not having my own shop at home was just unthinkable.

Then my archery stagnated...didn't stop, but I was still shooting an "old" bow (pre-parallel limbs) and then I get back into it full-bore and it was a whole new world for me. Hybrid cams, the limbs, talking about cam lean, yoke tuning...my first mistake was to go to Archery Talk and try to learn from the guys over there. There is a lot of knowledge there, but there's also a lot of guys that have a BowMaster press and one time fletched an arrow and they're experts in their own minds. I'm not a big internet vid guy, but YouTube does have a video for everything...pick some good ones and if it looks like a moron tuning his bow on video...it probably is. My advice is to find one or two guys that you know you can trust and bounce things off them. Go tune your bow, mess with the internet vids, magazine articles, etc and then when you hit a snag or need advice, hit up one of those guys and keep going from there. Don't go onto AT and ask a question because you'll spend half your time wondering why someone said the best way to determine arrow length is via complex algorithms and charts...rather than just drawing your bow with an uncut arrow shaft and having someone mark how long your arrow should be and then cutting it to that length.

Also, I've never seen so much poor shooting blamed on poor tuning. If everyone that blamed their poor shots on their poor practice, rather than their bow not being "supertuned" or because their serving slipped some, actually just practiced, there'd be a lot more really good shooters. And that certainly isn't to downplay the advanced tuning and nit-pick/gnat's ass stuff. That's legit. But you'll see a guy who's a mediocre shot at best saying he missed a deer or shot like crap at a shoot and he spends the next four days in a shop tuning his bow and changing field tips to get his bow tuned (because there's no way it could be his poor form) instead of just practicing more.


Mar 19, 2016
camp pendleton, ca
Agreed do not go to AT forum, you will end up down 10 rabbit holes before finding the answer you wanted. Just post it here someone will answer you and help out. And Phil Mendoza has great content on YouTube and his podcast are great source of info.
I got an apple archery vice for 40$ off eBay works fine for me
Synumm press I went with for 2 reasons, 1-it's only me I don't need fancy, 2-on a budget and the only one that was sub 250$ with the adapters for my Hoyt defiant.
The draw board you can easily make on your own follow the soleadventure YouTube channel video and his forum it's stupid easy. If you pm me I'll send you a pic of mine

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Aug 9, 2015
Man...I was thinking about asking a few questions over there tonight. Good thing I got on here first and read your posts!!! Got my bow back today. The guy ordered the wrong color bowstring/cables, but I didn't sweat it. I'm just glad I got it home and it is shooting great. Thanks for the links Robby!


Jan 25, 2014
The guy ordered the wrong color bowstring/cables, but I didn't sweat it.

That's worth them sending back for the right color or at least a discount. I ordered a set direct from Winner's Choice, the color wasn't how it appeared online and I just didn't like the colors so they replaced them free of charge.
Feb 10, 2017
North Carolina
Well, today was the final straw. Pro shop has had my bow for over a week replacing the factory strings/cables. Was supposed to be done on Tuesday. Here it is Friday. In my area, there are 3 different archery shops. I've used all of them over the years. All three are good at what they do, but I always have to stay on their asses to get the work done. They work at their own pace for sure.

Enough venting...I'm interested in doing my own bow work at home. Are there any good vids out there on how to work on modern parallel/beyond parallel limbed bows? Any other info/opinions will be appreciated. I understand the startup cost to buy the equipment needed will be expensive, but that's ok. Would rather do the work myself.\


the express if hard to beat as it does anything and we use the pro series in our shop

a good vise will be useful as well


Aug 9, 2015
Again, thanks for all the advice. I spent last night looking at all the links and vids posted on here and I'm definitely doing my own thing from now on. Kodiakfly...you are correct and under normal circumstances I think I would give em heck and make them make it right, but they substituted black for buckskin on one bundle and I actually think it looks a little better.


Aug 27, 2013
I bought a Synunm for emergency use on a trip or at the range. My only complaint - doesn't work with the limb stop I have on my Hoyt - I need to remove it to press the bow.


Mar 27, 2014
I will add one thing. If you are a litttle cramped for space- check out the bowtune machine. Press and draw all in one upright station. Simplest and quickest press and draw i have ever used as well. Makes jobs like timing cams super easy. Its like 495 but , i only have a small office as my "bow studio" and it does a great job. Also triples as a bow rack

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Julius K

Jun 15, 2016
Definitely John Dudley's videos. Google is amazing to. Almost for sure someone has made a mistake or two when working on their bow... could save you some trouble.


Aug 27, 2013
I will add one thing. If you are a litttle cramped for space- check out the bowtune machine. Press and draw all in one upright station. Simplest and quickest press and draw i have ever used as well. Makes jobs like timing cams super easy. Its like 495 but , i only have a small office as my "bow studio" and it does a great job. Also triples as a bow rack

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These are great press / draw boards for a small shop, but if you're going to work on the new hoyts (or any future design that is similarly past parallel) make sure you get an approved press.
Mar 5, 2017
Buy a good stationary press. Last Chance EZ press, Specialty, Sure Loc all make good ones, buy a good set of levels, a good vice, an arrow and bow scale. If you get a Last Chance press i suggest buying the draw board attachment as well. Invaluable for checking cam timing, draw length, cam lean and soforth. Learn how to use these tools and you will be set. Their are many different options to choose from
Find what works for you, learn how to use them properly and safely and you will have many years of tuning enjoyment out of them.