If you were Alone...

I wish they would cast everyday people with no outdoor skills. That would make for some great TV and the whole show would be done in a few episodes. Soccer moms would be crying in minutes, manbun types would look the role and as soon as it got dark hit the button. It would be epic and fast!
They have that...it's called Naked & Afraid. LOL

Who is this ALONE GUY you guys mention? I musta missed that one. Banned? For what?
This show has always fascinated me, I have penciled in more than one gear list based on the show’s parameters; and like most of you, I have spent many nights out. That being said, seven days in the mountains by myself and I start getting a little touched-would definitely need a Wilson to talk to. Don’t know how I would fair but I would definitely give it a go.
What I'd do different, depending on the location try to stack food before expending tremendous amounts of energy on my permanent shelter, it's easier to maintain your energy and calories then to come back from a deficit.
Probably also try to put on a extra 20 pounds before going on.

I almost stopped watching it when they kicked off Dave and Carleigh season 3 in Patagonia. That was irritating for sure.

I'd really like to see them do it in a sub tropical location, somewhere with ample food water decent conditions etc to see how long they really can go.
My wife is hooked on this show. I've watched a few, and it seems that those that constantly bring up predators never make it. Being scared of your surroundings doesn't seem to make for a long-term win.

Seems like food is pretty much the limiting factor. I don't think shelter is that big of an issue, they all get them sorted out pretty quickly, but almost all run short on food.

Seems like a cool show. I'm convinced that they are all being paid, no way they'd do it for the prize alone while providing all the content for free? I sure as hell wouldn't just to say I could do it. Thats a big commitment in time/energy and your life.
I wish they would cast everyday people with no outdoor skills. That would make for some great TV and the whole show would be done in a few episodes. Soccer moms would be crying in minutes, manbun types would look the role and as soon as it got dark hit the button. It would be epic and fast!
I think your version would be far more entertaining than the show as it stands now.

I've only watched the Arctic season, but several of those folks were flat studs. Way better than I am/would be. I'm not much beyond the end of my snacks and commercially dehydrated meals. The rest of it would be fine, I think, but the food aspect would whip me.
My wife is hooked on this show. I've watched a few, and it seems that those that constantly bring up predators never make it. Being scared of your surroundings doesn't seem to make for a long-term win.

Seems like food is pretty much the limiting factor. I don't think shelter is that big of an issue, they all get them sorted out pretty quickly, but almost all run short on food.

Seems like a cool show. I'm convinced that they are all being paid, no way they'd do it for the prize alone while providing all the content for free? I sure as hell wouldn't just to say I could do it. Thats a big commitment in time/energy and your life.
Seems like they often take food for granted when it's available for a while. More than once I've noticed someone will catch a bunch of fish and think they've got it made only to start getting skunked a week later. When I'm playing armchair quarter back I always tell my wife that they should be catching as much as they can while they can and smoke it.
They have that...it's called Naked & Afraid. LOL

Who is this ALONE GUY you guys mention? I musta missed that one. Banned? For what?
Only the most knowledgeable, interesting and capable man to ever grace Rokslide with his presence. He would fare better with a tarp and a pile of debris than the average Rokslide senior member with all the gear in an REI. As the ultimate alpha male he made all members and moderators feel softer than a bag of marshmallows, which ultimately lead to his premature exit. Like a shooting star he was spectacular, but was never meant to last.
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Only the most knowledgeable, interesting and capable man to ever grace Rokslide with his presence. He would fair better with a tarp and a pile of debris than the average Rokslide senior member with all the gear in an REI. As the ultimate alpha male he made all members and moderators feel softer than a bag of marshmallows, which ultimately lead to his premature exit. Like a shooting star he was spectacular, but was never meant to last.

This post wins and sums it up exactly.
Only the most knowledgeable, interesting and capable man to ever grace Rokslide with his presence. He would fare better with a tarp and a pile of debris than the average Rokslide senior member with all the gear in an REI. As the ultimate alpha male he made all members and moderators feel softer than a bag of marshmallows, which ultimately lead to his premature exit. Like a shooting star he was spectacular, but was never meant to last.

Reminds me of prom for some reason.