IF you want to know everything...

D Lee

Jan 4, 2014
Not sure where to post this, so here I am. If a Moderator chooses to move it, please do. Thanks.

Slow learner here…just passing my epiphanies along, should you be among the unaware in my small group.

In my defense, I’m old school and my shooting beliefs reveal that. Not all wrong mind you, but not as up to date as I should be. Guilty.

Here’s what’s led to the recent awakening…

Bullet FPS is not as important as it used to be. Heavier bullets traveling at slightly slower speeds actually have advantages. Yeah, I know, you already knew that. I’ve only read about that a few hundred times…I just didn’t GET IT.

The lightbulb started to come on as I’m working with my new .308, a 2020 Waypoint with 20” Carbon barrel. Old school thinking…hunting bullets need to be going 3,000+ fps. Actually, they don’t. I’m learning. My .308 Win work is teaching me. As are the wise responders to my many Forum questions. Thank you, each and every one of you. FYI… 2,600 to 2,800 fps bullets actually work.

OK, so, this morning I’m deciding on a .243 Win load for our first Coyote hunt out West later this year. Old school…go with lighter and faster bullets…yes? Absolutely!! OTH…many (many) have recommended the 87 gr V Max for long range work. OK…but wait…look how much slower it is. So, I go to my trusted source, JBM Ballistics and print out some statistic data. 70 gr vs 87 gr. Obviously, one starts out considerably faster. One slower. OK. I look a little closer though. Starting at the 350 yard mark…speed wise…the heavier bullet is slowly but surely catching up. More importantly, 2 things downrange: 1) The heavier bullet is managing the wind MUCH better and 2) it’s hitting MUCH harder than the lighter bullet!!!!! Why didn’t someone mention that??? Just kidding.

From long in-the-field experience, old habits die hard. Despite what my instincts tell me, I’m going to stay with the heavier bullets in the 308 and the 243. 165/168 gr in the .308 for Deer this year…and 85/87 gr in the .243 for our upcoming Wiley hunt where the ranges can / may exceed the 500+ yard mark.

For those of you here who already knew all this…what can I say? I’m late but I’m here! Just passing this along FWIW to the shooter who may be walking the same path I’ve been on. Thank goodness…finally…now I know everything.

Are you calling coyotes? If so, you'll be shooting around 100 yards (on the ones the commit) or 500+ yards (the ones that have heard this rendition of Cottontail Sinatra before). Truthfully, it probably doesn't matter what bullet you use. The close ones will be easy to hit and the long ones are Hail Mary's. Use what shoots best. Unless, of course, you're also going to use this rifle for deer sometime. In that case, rock the 87s.

No deer. Agree with you on the Hail Mary. Even with my heavy Bow, past 300, my arrows get iffy.

Seven comments in and no one has told him that here on the Rok we don't shoot anything larger than 6mm?
Op needs to read up on bullet expansion fps and learn what a ballistic calculator can provide in their life.

Trusting an arbitrary fps number is good for any and everything without following up is the most fudd thing ive read today.

If I want to learn what I "need to do" I'll ask my wife. As I'm still learning, the good folks here have responded with genuiely helpful and respectful suggestions to my questions all over this site. I'm appreciative and have said so. Try not being the exception.

Fudd'ly Yours,

D Lee
Not sure where to post this, so here I am. If a Moderator chooses to move it, please do. Thanks.

Slow learner here…just passing my epiphanies along, should you be among the unaware in my small group.

In my defense, I’m old school and my shooting beliefs reveal that. Not all wrong mind you, but not as up to date as I should be. Guilty.

Here’s what’s led to the recent awakening…

Bullet FPS is not as important as it used to be. Heavier bullets traveling at slightly slower speeds actually have advantages. Yeah, I know, you already knew that. I’ve only read about that a few hundred times…I just didn’t GET IT.

The lightbulb started to come on as I’m working with my new .308, a 2020 Waypoint with 20” Carbon barrel. Old school thinking…hunting bullets need to be going 3,000+ fps. Actually, they don’t. I’m learning. My .308 Win work is teaching me. As are the wise responders to my many Forum questions. Thank you, each and every one of you. FYI… 2,600 to 2,800 fps bullets actually work.

OK, so, this morning I’m deciding on a .243 Win load for our first Coyote hunt out West later this year. Old school…go with lighter and faster bullets…yes? Absolutely!! OTH…many (many) have recommended the 87 gr V Max for long range work. OK…but wait…look how much slower it is. So, I go to my trusted source, JBM Ballistics and print out some statistic data. 70 gr vs 87 gr. Obviously, one starts out considerably faster. One slower. OK. I look a little closer though. Starting at the 350 yard mark…speed wise…the heavier bullet is slowly but surely catching up. More importantly, 2 things downrange: 1) The heavier bullet is managing the wind MUCH better and 2) it’s hitting MUCH harder than the lighter bullet!!!!! Why didn’t someone mention that??? Just kidding.

From long in-the-field experience, old habits die hard. Despite what my instincts tell me, I’m going to stay with the heavier bullets in the 308 and the 243. 165/168 gr in the .308 for Deer this year…and 85/87 gr in the .243 for our upcoming Wiley hunt where the ranges can / may exceed the 500+ yard mark.

For those of you here who already knew all this…what can I say? I’m late but I’m here! Just passing this along FWIW to the shooter who may be walking the same path I’ve been on. Thank goodness…finally…now I know everything.

I think many people get caught in trying to simplify everything too much.

"faster is better" is nearly always true.....ALL ELSE BEING EQUAL. But all is rarely equal.
My friends brother, I don't call his brother my friend. Well, he not only knows everything, he knows things that are yet to be known by the rest of us mere humans.