Awesome find. Thank you.
For those going to the store and looking for these, they were at the battery hub center near the front of the store at my place. They weren’t in the front being displayed. I had to dig into the back of the rack. I picked up the 2 packs for $1.98/each. Expiration date 12/2029. Solid deal.
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That’s where they were at my store, behind all the displayed batteries. I was about to give up looking, but they were supposed to have 18 of the 12 packs in stock. Grabbed one of the apron wearing drones and asked him. Blank stare.
he immediately calls for back up, some other guy shows up and starts furiously pecking at his little tablet and tells me they don’t have any! While he’s pecking away I’ve been scanning the battery display for anything surefire. Sure enough, way in back there they are. He’s still telling me they don’t have 12 packs, never have. I reach behind him, grab 3 and say, I know you don’t have any, but I’m buying these ones if you’ll honor the price Of 11.18. He looks confused, scans one, yep, 11.18. I paid and declared a minor victory over the big box.
Just for fun, I just checked that store online, shows the 12 packs sold out. The 2 packs are still available at 2.00 ea. I might get some more, but I have enough batteries and ammo for a few years now.
You are all welcome! Love the lights that run on 123s, usually hate the battery prices.