As everyone has said there are always "those" people. But I will say I've interacted with both NR and R in the Idaho back country and had good experiences with most. The exception was a group of 20 something kids that hiked up and set their camp up about 300 yards above us, after talking to us and seeing our camp. But it's public ground, so after they blew out the bedding areas we just moved on.
This year in Wyoming I had probably the most courteous and positive interaction with a couple residents I have ever had (me bing the NR). We were on cow tags and I was sitting a ridge with a spotter as my buddy dropped down to chase a small herd leaving me on the ridge to give hand signals if they moved on him while out of sight. I watched these two residents hike up out of the bottom to the road about a mile or so over and drive away. 10 minutes later they pulled up behind me and I didn't know what they were doing but knew from the lay of the land we couldn't have messed them up where we were.
It's 10:30 am, About 65 degrees, sun beating down. They jump out introduce themselves and proceed to tell me the son has a bull down, in the bottom of the drainage. . . They saw my buddy go off the edge and the road down into the drainage runs within about 1/2 mile if where he was headed and they didn't want to blow his stalk! I told them hell it's hot out guys you can't wait, just go. They genuinely felt bad about things (probably because they had just claimed that same ridge my buddy would have to come back up

) and said they would stop on a flat where I could see them before they got to a spot the elk may see them so I could signal them if it was ok to proceed! They didn't want to lose any meat, and didn't want a cape to start slipping on their bull, but they were concerned about our hunt, I waived them on as soon as they came into sight in the bottom to make sure they weren't worried about us, and yea they bumped the elk out a bit, but we came back that evening and got on the same herd and my 13 year old son took his first elk ever, with his bow. So it all worked out. But those residents were great guys that didn't want to mess up us NRs hunt.
All that to say, for every ass hole out there, there are plenty of stand up hunters that want you to have a good hunt just as much as you would want them to! It's just like the old customer service saying. Provide good service and your customer will probably tell 1 person. Provide bad service and they will tell 10! Same thing for ass holes, you talk about them more than the random decent guy that just nodded and said hi on the trail.