Idaho Unit 8a

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Oct 16, 2022
North Idaho
Has anyone here hunted unit 8a in Idaho?
Resident here that just got back from 9 days and didn't see a single bull. I glassed 3 cows on day one and could not locate a bull. Are the elk migrating out during rifle season?
The Elk in 8A do not migrate per say but rather drop some in elevation usually onto agriculture land. However they do not do so until later into winter. Over the past few days I have seen more Elk in the unit than deer but I already killed a bull in archery season. The majority of Elk in 8A are still in the mountains likely holed up in the thick timber and brush because of the heat and with the influx of pressure due to rifle deer and elk now open in the unit they are hard to find. There is not a ton of Elk in the unit and the age class of the bulls isn't all that great but any bull is a good bull in my opinion.

I honestly do not know how I would hunt them if I was you. The terrain can be extremely thick and still hunting is almost a waste when visibility is less than 40 feet. Glassing is a preferred tactic but much of the unit is not conducive to it. Anyways good luck if you have a chance to go back out. I'll be out when I can chasing whitetails...
Thanks for the tips. Maybe it was the moon. Yeah the visibility is very limited. This type of hunting is new to me. I have to say it's amazing country but the visibility is rough with them being holed up. I saw a lot of sign just couldn't get them out.
Oh yeah and good luck to you. Before I changed spots. I saw a nice whitetail buck down below mica point.
Agreed I am used to more open country where glassing is most effective so it's a change of pace for sure. Looks like possible weather coming in this weekend. Hopefully that gets things moving abit more
Yeah I've been hunting the panhandle and haven't had luck up there during archery so I figured I would try south. But maybe I just have a lot to learn about these elk still.
I’ve killed a few nice bulls in 8a. Much better unit to archery hunt due to thick terrain and lack of glassing opportunities. If you have onX or BaseMap, look at past timber harvests in the area, preferably 5 years old, and target those. That was my tactic for the two rifle bulls I’ve killed but I mainly archery hunt. Potlatch land is a place to start. This year was very strange, rut activity was almost nonexistent throughout September and wolf activity was way higher than past years. Keep hammering and you’ll whack one 🤙🏼
I’ve killed a few nice bulls in 8a. Much better unit to archery hunt due to thick terrain and lack of glassing opportunities. If you have onX or BaseMap, look at past timber harvests in the area, preferably 5 years old, and target those. That was my tactic for the two rifle bulls I’ve killed but I mainly archery hunt. Potlatch land is a place to start. This year was very strange, rut activity was almost nonexistent throughout September and wolf activity was way higher than past years. Keep hammering and you’ll whack one 🤙🏼
Interesting the area I was in had bulls rutting hard second week of September and I was able to stick one. Seen some bulls the other day still checking cows pretty hard as well.
I didn't get to the better part of the unit in my opinion until Friday. The first part was hunting next to 30 campers road hunting. When I did get to the better part away from people I could locate sign around draws just never could get them out. I'd swear I heard a bugle every now and then but it was always before daylight. I suspect the moon got me on this one. I'm definitely switching back to archery for next year. The road hunters really made this hunt miserable for me. But hey that's learning and I'll push harder next year. Thanks for the tips!
I’ve killed a few nice bulls in 8a. Much better unit to archery hunt due to thick terrain and lack of glassing opportunities. If you have onX or BaseMap, look at past timber harvests in the area, preferably 5 years old, and target those. That was my tactic for the two rifle bulls I’ve killed but I mainly archery hunt. Potlatch land is a place to start. This year was very strange, rut activity was almost nonexistent throughout September and wolf activity was way higher than past years. Keep hammering and you’ll whack one 🤙🏼
Any chance I could pick your brain on 8A?
I didn't get to the better part of the unit in my opinion until Friday. The first part was hunting next to 30 campers road hunting. When I did get to the better part away from people I could locate sign around draws just never could get them out. I'd swear I heard a bugle every now and then but it was always before daylight. I suspect the moon got me on this one. I'm definitely switching back to archery for next year. The road hunters really made this hunt miserable for me. But hey that's learning and I'll push harder next year. Thanks for the tips!

Has anyone here hunted unit 8a in Idaho?
Resident here that just got back from 9 days and didn't see a single bull. I glassed 3 cows on day one and could not locate a bull. Are the elk migrating out during rifle season?
Can you message me about 8a unit. I will return the favor if I end up hunting it this coming season
I have a archery bull tag for 8a. I plan to go and scout this summer. We are planning our September trip. Any recommendations on early September or late September for this zone? Usually go end of September for my Wyoming elk hunt.
I have a archery bull tag for 8a. I plan to go and scout this summer. We are planning our September trip. Any recommendations on early September or late September for this zone? Usually go end of September for my Wyoming elk hunt.
Welcome to Rokslide. You should take an opportunity to look around a bit and you'll find this community is pretty awesome.

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Hope to see you active in the forums, and good luck on your hunt!

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