Idaho unit 51 late season MZ hunt help

Jun 29, 2017
I drew this late season hunt and am not at all familiar with the unit. I'm not trying to get any honey hole info just more any general information or past experiences people may have had with this hunt? From what I understand the unit is hunted pretty hard during general season, any suggestions on the quality of buck I could realistically hold out for? I've read anywhere from 150-180". I plan on hunting it the last two weeks of November as I'm guessing the colder weather and rut will get them moving and possibly draw more of the big boys out in the open. The elevation variation in the unit is huge, should I target the higher elevations and backpack in or are the deer going to be in the foothills and would scouting/glassing from the road and covering more ground be more affective? Any help or insight would be much appreciated, Im super excited for this hunt and personally love the restrictions Idaho has on the muzzle loaders making it a much more classic and challenging hunt. Im primarily a bow hunter and enjoy the challenge of stalking big mulies.
Jun 7, 2016
Not sure where you will be coming in from but all the areas I know of in that area will require quite a bit of vertical hiking.

I am out of town until the 5th but PM next week and I can give you quite a bit of info on that unit. I currently have quite a few game cameras running and have seen some large bucks already mostly non-typicals though.
Jun 29, 2017
Thanks paleraider, Ill reach out to you next week for sure. Are you hunting it late season as well or just general this year?