East side of the Sierras is awesome, that Inyo herd goes through a lot, your buck and the details of your hunt testified that it's still strong. I believe it was 2017 when the mass mortality of the migrating herd was documented. Most don't realize what the east side X-Zones have to offer........................... that's fine with me.

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This incident wasn’t a first. It’s just the first time it was brought to the public’s attention. This is an ongoing issue depending on the winter we get. The hillside freezes and the deer cannot stop on the Ice. Nature is brutal sometimes
Great buck! I hunted that zone earlier in the year and didn't see anything like that. My buddies tagged out, but I never did. Congrats! That's a lifetime buck here for sure!
Do you have any photos of the bucks your buddies tagged? Would love to see them!
Any idea on this year if all these fires especially the one in line pine will effect there migration as we get closer to there winter transition in the next few months? Reason why I have X9c tag and it’s mid Oct and I’m about to start scouting the migration corridors and looking for habitat and I’m worried the fires will change what the deer are looking for and were they might be hanging out this time of year.

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